VisualEditor: Create toolbar icons for bold/italic/underline/superscript/subscript/etc. for scripts/languages as appropriate
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Since T40551 have been resolved, it is possible to have per-language bold/italic button variants. But the only two languages using this are currently English and German. Do we really need to ask language by language, when we've been through all this with the Vector edit toolbar (see e.g. T25625: use B and I as icons for Bold and Italic in the Hebrew Wikipedia in the enhanced toolbar in Vector, T25911: Czech icons for bold and italic text should be B and I, T26188: Bold and Italic Icons in Vector toolbar to 'B' and 'I' in Malayalam etc.).

We already have -- cannot we use that?

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bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 22 2014, 1:53 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz51314.

(In reply to comment #0)

Since bug 38551 have been resolved, it is _possible_ to have per-language
bold/italic button variants.

That's about Vector, which is entirely irrelevant here.

But the only two languages _using_ this are currently English and German.

Yes (and the Latin-generic ones).

Do we really need to ask language by language, when we've been through
all this with the Vector edit toolbar (see e.g. bug 23625, bug 23911,
bug 24188 etc.).

See above.

We already have

cannot we use that?

No. Those are low-quality PNG-only icons and not in keeping with the existing VisualEditor ones. VisualEditor's interface is in SVG. We look forward to the creation of such icons and would gladly include them. Turning this into a tracking bug so each language can be tracked against it.

(In reply to comment #1)

(In reply to comment #0)

Since bug 38551 have been resolved, it is _possible_ to have per-language
bold/italic button variants.

That's about Vector, which is entirely irrelevant here.

Really? Bug 38551 "VisualEditor: Bold and Italic UI buttons need to be internationalisable" fixed by Anyway, that's not important.

Yes (and the Latin-generic ones).

Which are wrong, that's the point.

We already have

cannot we use that?

No. Those are low-quality PNG-only icons and not in keeping with the existing
VisualEditor ones. VisualEditor's interface is in SVG. We look forward to the
creation of such icons and would gladly include them. Turning this into a
tracking bug so each language can be tracked against it.

That was exactly my point is that we do not want to do that, because we have already went through this with Vector. But I guess I have not expressed myself clearly: I do not care about the exact image files linked there. The point is that _we already know_ that Czech, Hebrew, and Polish (in addition to English) want to use B/I, and we already have these images, the only problem is to modify the configuration. We already know that Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish (in addition to German) want to use F/K, and we already have these images, the only problem is to modify the configuration. We also already know what letters 13 other languages would want to use, even though we do not have those images ready (I guess), but the best person to create those missing images is the person who created the current A/A/B/I/F/K ones, I would say.

So: I believe I do not need to manually create 6 new bugs to request Czech, Hebrew, and Polish to have ve.ui.BoldButtonTool.static.icon switched to 'bold-b' and ve.ui.ItalicButtonTool.static.icon switched to 'italic-i', and Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish to have ve.ui.BoldButtonTool.static.icon switched to 'bold-f' and ve.ui.ItalicButtonTool.static.icon switched to 'italic-k'.

(In reply to comment #2)

That was exactly my point is that we do not want to do that, because we have
already went through this with Vector. But I guess I have not expressed
myself clearly: I do not care about the exact image files linked there. The
point is that _we already know_ that Czech, Hebrew, and Polish (in addition
to English) want to use B/I, and we already have these images, the only
problem is to modify the configuration. We already know that Danish,
Norwegian, and Swedish (in addition to German) want to use F/K, and we
already have these images, the only problem is to modify the configuration.

Thank you! No, "we" do not know, as we are not experts - but you clearly do. :-) Have created this as bug 51330. Will do this tomorrow when I'm in the office.

We also already know what letters 13 other languages would want to use, even
though we do not have those images ready (I guess), but the best person to
create those missing images is the person who created the current A/A/B/I/F/K
ones, I would say.

Our developer/designer time is limited; we did F/K as an example for others to follow, not as a commitment that we would do this for all scripts.

Change 74677 had a related patch set uploaded by Jforrester:
Set Malayam to use B/I rather than A/A for toolbar icons

Change 74677 merged by jenkins-bot:
Set Malayam to use B/I rather than A/A for toolbar icons

No outstanding requests for these; closing for now as complete.

Aklapper subscribed.

[adding the Tracking-Neverending project to tasks blocking (now deprecated) T4007 as part of T93366]

Phabricator_maintenance renamed this task from VisualEditor: Create toolbar icons for bold/italic/underline/superscript/subscript/etc. for scripts/languages as appropriate (tracker) to VisualEditor: Create toolbar icons for bold/italic/underline/superscript/subscript/etc. for scripts/languages as appropriate.Aug 13 2016, 9:07 PM