2023 June

Plaintiff June23 cvr web

Articles in this issue:

Learner’s permit

Finding mentorship and the rewards that come through good mentoring

Miles B. Cooper

2023 June

Appellate Reports

Supreme court rules governmental design immunity for dangerous roads does not categorically preclude failure-to-warn claims; also, public liability for dangerous sidewalks

Jeffrey I. Ehrlich

2023 June

Powerful ways to prove your client’s brain injury objectively

Powerful ways to prove your client’s brain injury objectively

Don’t just defend the “subjective” evidence of a brain injury, use state-of-the-art multi-disciplinary “objective” evidence to prove your client’s brain injury

Robert Jarchi

2023 June

Medicine for attorneys: Fractures

Medicine for attorneys: Fractures

How to present fractures and associated injuries at trial

Olivia K. Leary
Eustace de Saint Phalle

2023 June

Your client filed for bankruptcy: What now?

Your client filed for bankruptcy: What now?

A look at how a PI claim can become an asset in a bankruptcy estate that may be used to pay creditors

James Stang

2023 June

Holding Child Protective Services accountable

Holding Child Protective Services accountable

The CPS system is broken but there are strategies to bring justice to its victims

Wyatt Vespermann

2023 June

Expert-witness disclosure in federal court

The case often comes down to a battle of experts. Be prepared for that battle

Timothy A. Loranger

2023 June

Evaluating the legal-malpractice case

The complex statute of limitations and the “case within the case”

Ron W. Makarem
Samuel D. Almon

2023 June

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