2023 May

Plaintiff May23 cover

Articles in this issue:
Crossovers between employment law and workers’ compensation cases

Crossovers between employment law and workers’ compensation cases

How the WC claim may affect the employment-law case, and vice-versa

Jonathan D. Roven

2023 May

Look to the contract to defeat implied delegation

Look to the contract to defeat implied delegation

Do not let Privette’s implied delegation shift the cost of defendant’s harm onto plaintiffs and workers’ compensation carriers

Alan Van Gelder

2023 May

Cal/OSHA materials

Cal/OSHA materials

Know them, get them and use them to establish negligence in your PI case

Mauro Fiore, Jr.
Yesenia Sanchez-Riewthong

2023 May

COVID-19 workers’ comp claim: Denied

Navigating the denial of a Covid-19 workers’ compensation claim; presumptive and non-presumptive cases

Dane P. Gilliam

2023 May

The secrets of confidentiality

The concept of confidentiality in mediation is complex and a written agreement is important; misunderstanding what is confidential and what is not can have serious consequences

David Gordon

2023 May

Mediation for “normal” people

Mediation for “normal” people

Lawyers and mediators can easily forget how frustrating it is to be a “normal” person in a mediation session

Rebecca Grey

2023 May

Litigating, managing and settling workers’ compensation/third-party crossover cases

Litigating, managing and settling workers’ compensation/third-party crossover cases

Overview of the (sometimes devastating) effect of a WC claim on your recovery in a crossover personal-injury case

Tal Rubin

2023 May

Is there really an agreement to arbitrate?

When faced with a motion to compel arbitration, your first question is “does an agreement to arbitrate that dispute exist?”

Brian J. Malloy

2023 May

Exceptions to discretionary immunity for government employees

Exceptions to discretionary immunity for government employees

Ministerial actions and why derivative immunity should not always be presumed

Sarah Madan

2023 May

Profile: Lauren Cerri

Profile: Lauren Cerri

Sexual-abuse specialist practiced personal-injury law until she found her passion in speaking for abused children

Stephen Ellison

2023 May


Building your firm with the right people in the right seats

Miles B. Cooper

2023 May

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