2023 October

Plaintiff Oct23 cvr

Articles in this issue:
Discovery and the social-media influencer

Discovery and the social-media influencer

How to protect your case during discovery when your client earns income as a social-media influencer

Albert Anthony Villaneda

2023 October

The intersection of civil torts and workers’ comp

Counsel must work together to protect WC benefits while maximizing the civil award

James (“Jim”) G. Butler
Ramona H. Atanacio

2023 October

Unwinding the statute-of-limitations clock

Using the delayed-discovery rule to save your case

Robert Jarchi

2023 October

Profile: Michael Haddad and Julia Sherwin

Profile: Michael Haddad and Julia Sherwin

Husband-and-wife civil rights lawyers make huge strides in the fight against police misconduct

Stephen Ellison

2023 October

The objection “calls for expert opinion” in a medical malpractice deposition

The objection “calls for expert opinion” in a medical malpractice deposition

When deposing a physician defendant, asking about expectations is an effective way to circumvent objections that the question “calls for expert testimony”

Benjamin T. Ikuta

2023 October

The show must go on

Get the right audio-visual equipment to present successfully in the courtroom

Miles B. Cooper

2023 October

Navigating pupil privacy laws

Navigating pupil privacy laws

A guide for attorneys in litigation against school districts

Omar Qureshi
Jenny Yoo

2023 October

Avoiding defense traps in slip-and-fall cases against Costco

Avoiding defense traps in slip-and-fall cases against Costco

Here’s your game plan to litigate against Costco, including a trove of discovery documents that may prove invaluable

Jake Cohen

2023 October

Appellate Reports

Cal Supreme court rules on an employer’s agent’s liability in FEHA cases; also, products liability claims based on absence of a safety feature that would have prevented the accident

Jeffrey I. Ehrlich

2023 October

In the service of justice – <em>Dora Leon v. County of Riverside</em>

In the service of justice – Dora Leon v. County of Riverside

In which the California Supreme Court rejected the doctrine of “investigative immunity”

Ali Taheripour
Les Zador

2023 October

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