This website is not current and will be retired at some point. See About for latest.

Scott Murray


Hi! I’m currently building Oolie. I hope you’ll join us.

Prior to Oolie, I worked with code, data, and computation to design learning experiences. I managed the Learning Experience team at O’Reilly Media, and before that, I was an Assistant Professor of Design at USF.

I wrote Unstuck: JavaScript and two editions of Interactive Data Visualization for the Web, the best-selling way to learn D3.js and a pretty decent book still rated ★★★★★ on Amazon.

I used to contribute to Processing, the software that completely changed my life. I studied at MassArt’s Dynamic Media Institute (M.F.A. 2010) and Vassar College (A.B. 2001).


The energetic particles on the home page were created with Processing and Processing.js.

Site content is managed in a database-free environment with Kirby and hosted by Gandi.

I removed all site analytics, so there are no cookies and no tracking.

The site was made mobile-friendly-ish through a combination of CSS3 media queries and JavaScript.

FastMail handles all my email and DNS.

This whole thing is in dire need of a redesign, but, really, who has the time?