
Building on our enduring values and our heritage of innovation, quality and durability, we have now set out our vision to become the most sustainable lifestyle bag and travel luggage company in the world.

Our new global strategy, called 'Our Responsible Journey', confirms our goals to 2030 - from how our products are made to how they endure; how we play our part in reducing our impact on the planet; and how we ensure that our people, partners and communities engage in and benefit from our progress.


We are lightening the journeys of our customers by creating the best products and using the most sustainable and innovative materials and production methods.

product lifecycle

Product Lifecycle

Making products that are built to last means we are taking pressure off the global waste problem - but this is only the first step; by providing long warranties and extensive repair networks, we will keep you traveling, wherever in the world you may be.

repair centers
repair centers

Repair Centers

We are able to repair any accidental damage or wear and tear to your Samsonite luggage at our repair centers - more than 200 of them in more than 65 countries worldwide.

materials innovation
materials innovation

Materials Innovation

Design that respects resources is a constant focus for us. Increasingly, we choose to use high quality sustainable materials that re-purpose waste, recycling important resources. Our industry leading Recyclex® fabric is made from 100% recycled plastic bottles and means we give waste a second life and reduce our use of virgin materials.

plastic bottles
plastic bottles

Since 2018, we have launched over 50 products globally using a sustainable material such as Recyclex®, a fabric made from 100% post-consumer recycled PET (rPET) bottles. We estimate that more than 52 million 500ml PET bottles were given a second life as a result.

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We are working hard to minimize our impact on climate change and have set clear carbon reduction targets that mean we will be carbon neutral by 2025. We will also look beyond our own operations to begin to understand how to reduce the emissions in our supply chain as well.

increasing efficiency

Increasing Efficiency

We are working to understand our total carbon footprint across all our owned operations, so we can focus on the most effective ways to increase efficiency and reduce our energy use and emissions.

carbon reduction
lower carbon

We aim to reduce the carbon intensity of our operations by 15% by 2025 compared to 2017, and have already achieved a 6.6% decrease by 2019.

emission reduction
renewable energy

Reducing Emissions

We consider the emissions from our owned operations, products and their packaging. We implement best practices, use green power and innovate to combat the causes of climate change.


We care for the people and communities where we work and encourage good practice and positive impacts beyond our direct business to ensure their access to decent livelihoods.

human rights
scales of justice

Respecting Human Rights

As a responsible business we want to make sure that the people who work for our suppliers are being treated well and fairly - we uphold our responsibility to respect the human rights of all the lives we touch and follow the standards set out in our company-wide code of conduct.

ethical charter

Samsonite Ethical Charter

Our supplier code of conduct 'Samsonite Ethical Charter' requires suppliers to meet our standard of fair and responsible business, so that everyone involved in the making of Samsonite products is treated with respect and care.

responsible sourcing

Responsible Sourcing

We are also working with our suppliers to ensure that the goods they provide us are responsibly sourced and manufactured. While our existing social compliance program is strong, we will continue to further the implementation of our standards and ensure human rights are protected across our supply chain.


Samsonite Ethical Charter

In 2019, Samsonite completed 314 audits for 288 tier 1 factories to make sure that they adhere to our high standards and responsible sourcing policies. We will continue to expand our social compliance program to avoid negative human rights impacts of the business.

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Our people are one of our greatest assets and we know that their passion and commitment will make the difference in achieving our sustainability goals. We support them throughout their work journeys by providing a safe working environment and ensuring the best opportunities, culture and support.


Engagement and Development

We want our people to thrive and know that helping them to grow will help drive our future growth. We provide meaningful development oppportunities, reward and recognize performance, and ensure a safe working evironment, while promoting and supporting employee health and well-being.

ask athena

We have launched a new global HR platform - Ask Athena - to ensure everyone has access to information about development opportunities as well as about their pay, benefits and overall workplace processes.

diversity and inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion

We are committed to a culture that is as diverse and vibrant as the world we travel, welcoming people from all walks of life and ensuring everyone can access opportunities in order to reach their potential.

gender balance

Achieving Gender Balance

Our workforce is over 50% female worldwide and our aim is to achieve gender balance in key roles by 2030.

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At Samsonite, we are committed to making a difference on social issues and to giving back to our local communities. Whether it is by supporting charities, or donating our time or products, we know our philanthropic efforts can make a meaningful difference.

our approach

Our Approach

For over a century, Samsonite has been protecting people's possessions as they travel the world. Today, we want to protect and preserve the beautiful planet we all share, and to take care of the most vulnerable among us. Decisions about the most effective ways to contribute to our communities are made and implemented locally. However, wherever in the world we operate, we share a desire to do three things: protect Earth's beautiful places; promote wellbeing; and empower vulnerable communities.

protecting earth

Protecting Earth's Beautiful Places

We strive to protect earth's beautiful places through reforestation and conservation projects. To date, we estimate that the projects we support globally have planted more than 738,000 trees. These projects have great potential to protect endangered species, prevent the degradation of ecosystems, and increase the ability of forests and planted areas to sequester carbon from the atmosphere. They also enhance quality of life for people living in or near these landscapes, as well as providing valuable habitats for wildlife.

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Promoting Wellbeing

We choose to support a range of organizations that work to prevent and treat physical and mental health issues.

protecting earth
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Empowering Vulnerable Communities

We seek to empower vulnerable communities by supporting programs that help individuals, families and communities around the world to thrive.

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