Graph, code and lighting icons representing the development cycle

Speed up software development with Slack

Rally teams in channels to build better, resolve issues quicker and bring efficiency to every stage of the development life cycle

Launch better products

People working, representing code-planning sessions

Tighten product feedback loops

  • Real-time visibility to customer, sales and product feedback in cross-team channels
  • Pipe in automated alerts from review sites, app stores, social media and customer survey tools
  • Turn feedback into action by creating roadmap items and assigning priorities directly in-channel

Accelerate agile product management

  • Reduce context switching with unfurled details from project management tools directly in channels
  • Create, assign and get real-time updates on tasks, issues, bugs and stories in Slack
  • Pull in KPI charts for velocity, burndown, deployment frequency and cycle time

Break down team silos

  • Increase collaboration across product, engineering and business groups with cross-functional channels
  • Automatically trigger major updates across teams when specific conditions are satisfied
  • Keep everyone on the same page with minimal effort with a single post for everyone to see and comment on


Build and review code faster

A home with a magnifying glass focused on code, representing code building

Reduce pull request cycle times

  • Real-time notifications and reminders for pull requests with visibility across teams
  • Gently nudge code reviewers so that nothing falls through the cracks
  • Minimise context switching by taking action on pull requests without ever leaving Slack

Speed up prototyping

  • Integrate design and wireframing tools to collaborate and make faster UX decisions in-channel
  • Save time with notifications and commenting on files right within Slack
  • Iterate with third-party designers and external agencies in secure shared channels

Share knowledge across engineering

  • Collaborate, search for code and ask questions across cross-functional technical teams
  • Share code examples with in-line snippets to help your entire developer community
  • Customise channel or individual notifications about commits, issues, pull requests, deployments and more


Reduce dev cycle time

Computer display with a tick, representing code testing

Faster CI/CD pipelines

  • React quickly to success and failure alerts from your continuous integration (CI) tools
  • Build automated workflows across tools, teams and channels that fit your processes
  • Triage issues in real time to avoid unnecessary escalations for smooth, continuous integration

Orchestrate the dev toolchain

  • Complete visibility across various tools and teams brought into a single pane of glass
  • Interact with apps in Slack without context switching throughout your pipelines
  • Integrate observability tools to get performance and behaviour alerts, even in pre-production environments

Tighter dev and QA collaboration

  • Single collaboration space with in-the-weeds threads to speed up testing feedback loops
  • Capture and assign issues in Slack to keep QA and dev teams focused during short sprints
  • Stop chasing updates using customised notifications for critical-path tests and bugs


Deploy with confidence

Rocket ship representing code deployment

Deploy faster with context

  • Deploy commanders get real-time updates as deployments progress through environments and roll-out tiers
  • Use slash commands to deploy products to specific environments natively within Slack
  • Share metrics and charts in Slack to ensure that SLIs and SLOs are not negatively impacted by releases

Mitigate release risk

  • Automate processes with continuous deployment (CD) tools to reduce manual process bottlenecks
  • Preserve a timestamped audit trail for all deployments and decisions in one place
  • Cancel or roll back changes with the push of a button if a release goes wrong

Streamline change requests

  • Submit, discuss and approve changes asynchronously to reduce time-consuming change review meetings
  • Connect tools to push and pull data from systems of record to minimise context switching
  • Automated summaries of scheduled changes provide transparency across teams


Resolve incidents faster

Software code and cog representing an operations team

Respond in real time

  • Automatically create an incident channel from an incident response tool alert
  • On-call responders are instantly invited into the source-of-truth channel
  • Invite any individual or team with the click of a button, including external vendors

Instant context without interruptions

  • New responders quickly scan the incident channel without interrupting the flow
  • Threads create parallel workstreams to maintain an incident summary view
  • Business and IT executives get the right level of information without derailing the resolution

Streamline incident reviews

  • Virtually unlimited channels let you preserve details for every incident
  • Use emoji to mark points of interest for lessons learned and process improvements
  • Timestamped messages create an audit trail to cut out blame and bias

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