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Back to basics 201: Accelerate sales with automation

Start automating everyday tasks so you can spend more time selling

Cette conférence en ligne s’adresse de préférence à :

  • Professionnels des ventes

Deepen how you use Slack when you put integrations and automations to work for you. This webinar expands on Back to basics: Getting started on Slack for sales teams by highlighting common integrations that can make sales teams more productive.

Our Solutions Engineer Ariana Lavelli will cover how to use the Sales Cloud for Slack integration so you can update opportunities directly from Slack. You’ll also learn how to create workflows to automate tasks, such as posting sales wins in specific channels and streamlining approvals.

Intervenants :

Yousaf SajidSenior Solutions Marketing Manager, Slack
Ariana LavelliSolutions Engineer, Slack

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