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Why my test-receive-notifications app needs multiple restarts to receive notifications?

I have this kotlin application. It's sole purpose is to test if the FCM notifications are received (so the most basic setup here) The problem I have and cannot get a root cause for this is that it ...
fewfew's user avatar
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is Flutter Transparent/Translucent Background App no longer supported

I am trying to create a flutter app with translucent or transparent background. I tried following instructions found in stackoverflow, and from ChatGPT. but only getting black background instead of ...
Nobel Okelekele's user avatar
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react native modal does not get rendered on IOS

I have a react-native: "0.74.3" project and I want to show a modal to my users. So I intalled react-native-modal: "13.0.1" into my project. I developed the way I want to show the ...
minikdev's user avatar
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What gradle entries are required for implementing KSP and Room in a Kotlin Multiplatform

I am in the process of converting a kotlin application to kotlin multiplatform (anroid only for now to get through initial configuration) with room. This included moving to a libs.versions.toml file ...
GeorgeRussell's user avatar
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Query all channels with unread messages by an specific user in StreamChat sdk for iOS app In above link have option to filter and sort based on options they provide. But not able to create query to only get channel list only having ...
Mehul Chuahan's user avatar
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React Native App Stopped Logging Conversions to Google Ads

I have a React Native Expo app for iOS that uses Firebase and Firebase Analytics to log user installs. The app correctly logs events to Firebase and Firebase Analytics, where I can see events such as ...
Viktor Pesic's user avatar
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KMP issue with add material3 dependency

Hello there i am starting my first project with kotlin multi platform i am trying to add by adding. this line implementation( into commonMain.dependencies {...} ...
Wesam Altorman's user avatar
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Query Parameter problem when using WireMock

My application iOS is calling a url like that //api/myusers/6697cdbb4c11c34a8f6cda9e?access_token=0h84Bus24fdRrGGxmLIcLR63KUvs8XBkZrlSIW16CYmK8GBpRRRnSw2f5Jh8CMtk&locale=fra i configure this url ...
tamtoum1987's user avatar
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override fun onAdFailedToLoad(error: LoadAdError) { Needs explanation

Within my application the next action is initiated when the interstitial add is dismissed override fun onAdDismissedFullScreenContent() { // Called when ad is dismissed. Log.d(TAG, "Ad dismissed ...
Frankmango 's user avatar
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TextField data is not getting clear

When the user enters a password value and cancels the dialog, the dialog is pre-filled with the previous password, but the email is successfully cleared. However, the password is not cleared. If I ...
Shivam's user avatar
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Android WebView is not respecting constraints and is occupying the entire screen

I tagged 'Wordpress' in this post, only because the issue at this point seems to be originating from a URL hosted in Wordpress. Simply put, we had a screen that pulled in a Terms of Service page URL (...
Murphler's user avatar
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android:exported needs to be explicitly specified for <receiver>. required to specify an explicit value for `android:exported`

so I am trying to build my app but unfortunately unable to perform it and encountering this error D:\Code\Flutter\Manager\mmanager\android\app\src\main\AndroidManifest.xml Error: android:exported ...
Tanmay Nandwana's user avatar
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How to dont lose textView

I have a FrameLayout and using the bottom navigation View there is a switching of 3 fragments. When the button is clicked, TextViews are created in the Main Fragment. The problem is that when ...
tumannick's user avatar
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I can't make a purchase of flutter ios in_app_purchase

I have a situation where when using the in_app_purchase package in the sandbox in the iOS version, I cannot buy an item using the buyNonConsumable method, an error occurs related to transactions Error:...
Sifer Tv's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a fully-featured Kotlin multi-platform web browser using GeckoView for Android, Windows and macOS?

Currently, If I need to create a fully-featured web browser for all three major platforms, I have to: iOS and iPadOS: Program in Swift and use WKWebView (WebKit) for the browser engine which lacks ...
Vulkan's user avatar
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Node.js Video Upload Feedback Project Not Working on iPhone

I'm working on a project where users can upload their videos and receive feedback using the Gemini and OpenAI APIs. The frontend is deployed on Vercel, and the backend is on Railway. The project works ...
estakkk's user avatar
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Where are the Google code samples/Labs for Jetpack Compose HorizontalMultiBrowseCarousel & HorizontalUncontainedCarousel

My current Android application as a use case to allow the user to swipe through multiple photographs. I researched and found that Android jetpack compose now has two Carousel components. however apart ...
RichardMillhouse's user avatar
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How to know if item is highlighted by TalkBack frame?

I'm working on accessibility issues in my app, written in Kotlin using Jetpack Compose. I have a bug that I think I can solve if I could know when a UI component is highlighted with a TalkBack frame - ...
dodgeRam's user avatar
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Why can apps be granted unlimited access to the photo library?

Some apps allow the user to add photos from the photo library. There is also often a setting where the user can give the app full access to the library or some restricted access (which is often more ...
August Karlstrom's user avatar
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Delay in Notification Android Kotlin

I want to set notification for every day, at user-selected hours and minutes, but the issue is that some times it gets notification on time and some time it delays with 10, 20, 30, 40 seconds delay, ...
Shivam's user avatar
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Develop an AirPlay feature to play DRM content using Swift

I am developing an audio player for iOS using Swift. Currently, the player can play DRM-protected videos, supports subtitles, and allows you to change the audio track. All these features are also ...
Javier Núñez León's user avatar
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Expo Native View - How to add native dependencies

I'm trying to create a yandex map kit with Expo native view. When I read the android document on Yandex, it asks me to add the following dependencies. Open the project's build.gradle file. In the ...
Yasin Beyazlı's user avatar
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Embed Flutter Plugin in Another Flutter/Android/IOS App

I've created a flutter plugin for a corporate company. How can I use this plugin feature in another flutter and Native android/IOS application without sharing the code. I tried out several methods....
Amal James's user avatar
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TestScope doesn't work in Kotlin Multiplatform

I was trying to run a unit test of my kmp code on android(local) with TestScope by injecting it into the view model. Here's the code: class FrankfurterRepository(engine: HttpClientEngine) { private ...
Yauheni Mokich's user avatar
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Combining user input of activity and its hosted fragment

I am developing an Android app in java using MVVM architectural pattern and Data Binding. The app has an activity which hosts two fragments (one at a time) using NavHostFragment (planning to add more ...
Kevin's user avatar
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This apk is not installed from playstore

I have download blinkit delivery partner apk in third party it shows error like this apk is not download from playstore but if we download it in playstore then working how to solve this issue and why ...
Nithiya's user avatar
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Android Spinner Should Open New Screen For Selecting Spinner Items [closed]

Here's the image showing what I wish to do basically I'm making a currency converter and I want a new screen to open for selecting currencies instead of a dropdown meanu can anyone help me with the ...
Saurabh Singh's user avatar
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I am trying to link WhatsApp to Salesforce CG Cloud Mobile Application (Android and iOS)

Salesforce Mobile Links Page I want a url which will open WhatsApp application homepage on both Android and iOS. I used whatsapp://app isn't working. After some trial and error, I was able to open ...
Anees Patel's user avatar
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2 answers

How to efficiently manage state in a large-scale Flutter application?

I’m working on a large-scale Flutter application and I’m facing challenges with state management. I’ve tried using setState, but it quickly becomes unmanageable as the app grows. I’ve also ...
Anu D's user avatar
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SwiftUI task modifier called multiple times [closed]

The task modifier of SwiftUI view is supposed to be called only once -- the first time view is created. But I am seeing that under some conditions, it is getting called multiple times causing lot of ...
Deepak Sharma's user avatar
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Swift: Complex matching algorithm needed

I have a problem implementing an algorithm to match invoices with transactions. So far the matching works quite well but from the code with the comment: // Search for a transaction that can cover ...
Roadrunner's user avatar
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Kotlin Multiplatform + Jetpack Navigation + Android Studio Koala 2024.1.1 Patch 1 issues

I've started moving one of my older project (Java) to the KMP setup, my goal was to just move around the structure to KMP and slowly import Kotlin code from the shared folder into the androidApp. I ...
Suau's user avatar
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AutoFill password into UITextField

I want to implement such a function: a password UITextField, using the system Jiugongge numeric keypad(textField.keyboardType = .numberPad), and enable to automatically fill the password. like this: ...
Shilai Zhang's user avatar
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How to tap a button in a UITest that is in and out of a swiftui accessibilityRepresentation?

If the View looks like this: struct Screen: View { var body: some View { VStack { ... NavigationLink { LoginScreen() } label: { ...
Celina's user avatar
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Selecting a camera based on Field of View (FOV) preference

We are working with a phone which supports both, the Android Camera2 API and ARCore. If at all relevant, the phone is the Samsung S20 FE. With the Camera2 API we gain access to camera configurations ...
cptjacksparrow's user avatar
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Equivalent of `https.agent` in React Native

I need to make an API request using this cURL curl -L -i -X PUT –cert ./[device_cert].pem –key ./[device_cert_private_key].pem -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Content-Encoding: utf-8' -d '{&...
Coder87's user avatar
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Error on compiling Android system app using Hilt using .bp file

I try to compile an Android system app (Jetpack Compose) in AOSP 13 for Android Automotive. I have success to do that until i try to insert Hilt functionalities. Researching online, I found that this ...
Alessandro Demofonti demoa's user avatar
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7 views doesn't redirect to IOS App Store directly when app is not installed

When the app is installed, the deeplink works perfectly fine (redirects user to the app directly). However, when the app is not installed, the deeplink doesn't open IOS App Store directly, it opens a ...
Chwizdo's user avatar
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Qt Android, how can I get MotionEvent.getToolType() equivalent?

I have a whiteboard that's a component extending from QQuickItem, as it's in use in some hardware devices I need to detect when the tool being used is an eraser, a stylus or the finger. In Android in ...
forlayo's user avatar
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How to apply command background for dark/light in android

created background_light.xml: ` <gradient android:angle="270" android:endColor="@color/clr_theme_indigo" android:startColor="@color/clr_dashboard_toolbar" ...
jyohya's user avatar
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executing binary files on android targetSdkVersion>=29 raise Permission denied

I have some binary files and copied to /data/data/com.staf621.ki4a/ki4a/bin folder when the app initialized and set the file permission to be executed with command: chmod 755 /data/data/com.staf621....
Beam config's user avatar
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Flutter app not building on iOS simulator

I'm trying to start a Flutter project I have gotten on a iOS Simulator and the problem is I can't. On another Mac, my friend was able to start it but I have been running in circles... I have tried: ** ...
GrandMagus's user avatar
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Android: WebView displaying blank page when html string contains <style> tag

I need to present a dialog with html content, and for that I'm using an AlertDialog.Builder to create a dialog based on a custom view which includes a WebView. The WebView renders correctly inside the ...
Diego Perez's user avatar
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How to read Bluetooth Low Energy GAP characteristic values as a string?

Hello I am new to developing an app and even newer to the concept of BLE. I am developing an application on android using Java that is capable of scanning BLE devices nearby. The main purpose is to ...
Ahmad Daniel's user avatar
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Passing argument of non-sendable type '(any URLSessionTaskDelegate)?' outside of main actor-isolated context may introduce data races

I am using SwiftUI and I declared the View as @MainActor to resolve some of the concurrency warnings. However, I still get the warning Passing argument of non-sendable type '(any ...
smekers's user avatar
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How to use RemoteMediator when the server does not provide an ID value

@Serializable data class InfoResponse( val totalCount: Int?, val pageableCount: Int?, val isEnd: Boolean? ) @Serializable data class ItemResponse( val info: InfoResponse?, val ...
송규빈's user avatar
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exclude files from iCloud backup

I have a bug on my hands where icons, etc are being backed up to iCloud backup. My first knee jerk reaction was that it's in the documents directory class but they are properly stowed in the ...
Anton Tropashko's user avatar
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Using CALayer.speed to finish running animation

Suppose I have a long running task whose progress is displayed in custom progress bar similar to system progress bar. A task can finish faster than animation of CALayer.bounds from leading to trailing ...
Roman Busygin's user avatar
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In android studio(Kotlin), why ViewBinding and setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener conflicts?

When I use codes generated by android studio automatically and ViewBinding together, the programme will crash. ViewCompat.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(findViewById( { v, insets -> ...
Weird_dog's user avatar
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How to apply drawable.xml file in colors in android

<color name="backgroundColor">@drawable/bg_rounded_horizontal_gradient_theme</color> When I am trying to apply drawable.xml inside the colors not working. Can any one help we ...
jyohya's user avatar
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