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Mobile Development Collective

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iOS Frequently Asked Questions

The iOS-related questions that get asked repeatedly, gathered together in one place. What does a new developer always ask at some point? What are the most common questions when someone is exploring a ...
Berthold's user avatar
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18 votes

Android Frequently Asked Questions

The Android-related questions that get asked repeatedly, gathered together in one place. What does a new developer always ask at some point? What are the most common questions when someone is ...
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Keyboard in swiftui is overlapping UI elements

Whenever i click in my textfield, the keyboard is overlapping my button, and i would like that the view would go up to have space between the button and keyboard Simulator image this is my code import ...
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How do I inspect a file in Flutter's Application-Documents-Directory?

After writing the file counter.txt Future<File> get _localFile async { final path = await _localPath; return File('$path/counter.txt'); } located in a folder specified by ...
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Pixel tablet in AS emulator is not loading the correct layout version

My app has different layout versions for 'port', 'land', 'SW600dp' etc., which load correctly into the emulator for other devices such as Pixel 7a and Pixel C, but the emulator for the Pixel Tablet ...
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Mongo DB Driver for Android Native Jetpack Compose. I do not want to use Mongo DB Realm or Atlas App

Mongo DB Driver for Android Native Jetpack Compose. I do not want to use Mongo DB Realm or Atlas App. Expecting to get a library or mongo db driver. just like pymongo for python. I do not want to use ...
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How to keep the button over the other elements even if it is disabled in Jetpack Compose?

I have a screen where I display a list of items: Scaffold( content = { //List of items }, floatingActionButton = { Button( onClick = { if (...

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Desugaring error when running on React Native Android

I'm building a app for a Pax SmartPOS using the Zoop SmartPOS SDK, it uses Android SDK 23 so I need to use the coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled for it to be able to use the java time Instant. The problem ...
0 votes
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flutter deep links not working with go router

I'm using go router in my flutter app to respond to deeplinks. The flutter dev tool tells me that my deeplink are valid and when I run adb to manually activate a deep link i see: adb shell am start -a ...
0 votes
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RevenueCat - customerInfo.activeSubscriptions always returns value

This is a production bug where users who have previously been subscribed still have access to all Pro features due to customerInfo.activeSubscriptions returning all productIdentifiers of previous ...
-1 votes
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Twilio - Push notifications fail in serverless production deployment

I have an Twilio programmable messaging app which is deployed in a Twilio serverless environment. let response = new Twilio.Response(); exports.handler = async function(context, event, callback) { ...
1 vote
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Custom tiles server is not showing in MapBox android

this is my first time using MapBox for anything. I am trying to replicate this in Android app. I have followed MapBox documentation for showing Vector tiles server from third party. Currently I have ...

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Basics of Kotlin coroutines

Basics of Kotlin coroutines What is a coroutine? A coroutine is a concurrency design pattern that you can use on Android to simplify code that executes asynchronously. They are“lightweight threads”. ...
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How-to guide

Using SwiftData with SwiftUI

One thing we iOS developers should rejoice about is the development of SwiftData, at least if you are coding for a very new project and can forget about iOS versions below 17. We finally have an ...
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