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A collective focused on NLP (natural language processing), the transformation or extraction of useful information from natural language data.
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Natural Language Processing FAQ

Frequently asked questions relating to NLP. Many of these may be questions that are often asked over and over, duplicates would likely be closed in favor of these. Add the best answer (using the ...
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Finetuning BERT on classification task, tensor device mismatch error

I'm having trouble on fine-tuning a BERT model on a classification task, as I'm quite new to this. My data is composed of two columns, "item_title" (my input) and "meta_categ_id" (...
-1 votes
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cleaning list object containing text and creating new variables using Python

I am trying to create a data frame running the following code - # pip install edgartools import pandas as pd from edgar import * # Tell the SEC who you are set_identity("Your Name youremail@...
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ValueError: expected sequence of length 129 at dim 1 (got 46)

I was trying to fine-tune an image-to-text model using the following code: import json import torch from import DataLoader import io from transformers import VisionEncoderDecoderModel,...
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Huggingface Trainer CUDA Out Of Memory for 500M Model

I'm training MobiLLama for classification. This model is just 500Million Parameters and when I fine-tune it for the downstream tasks, the trainer keep giving me the CUDA out of memory error. I faced ...
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I want to evaluate the three models which are LDA, LSM and CTM for my data based on coherence score?

My name is Phani. I want to choose which is the best model i.e Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Latent Semantic Analysis and Correlated Topic Model for my data. I already preprocessed the data but I want ...

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Saving Fine-tune Falcon HuggingFace LLM Model

I'm trying to save my model so it won't need to re-download the base model every time I want to use it but nothing seems to work for me, I would love your help with it. The following parameters are ...