first time asking a question in here but I have found answers in the website so many times before.

My question is why this code is not working in IE, works perfectly in Chrome. I read the other topic similar to this one, but the answer there is to replace the toggle with if .show .hide. That's not what I want to do, I want to use toggle and I just don't seem to understand why IE doesn't like it. This works a bit like a menu and its a list of services a company offers and the toggle is a div with details about the service. I know that div tags are ok in li tags so it shouldn't be that, the reason I am using divs is because I am using a lot of CSS to style it, although it could be done in a smarter and cleaner way... I know there are very similar questions to this, but I couldn't find the answer why my code isn't working in IE9. I would appreciated if someone helps me, thank you! :)


  <div id="text">
        <ul id="serv">

           <li><div class="head"><a href="#">SERVICE1</a></div>
           <li><div class="cont">
           <p>CONTENTS <p>

              <li><div class="head"><a href="#">SERVICE2/a></div>
             <li><div class="cont">



$( '#serv > li > ul' )
    .click(function( e ){

  $('#serv > li').toggle(function(){

  }, function(){
    $( this )
  • You're using .toggle() wrong. Read the docs: api.jquery.com/toggle
    – ahren
    Commented Aug 19, 2012 at 21:59
  • 1
    @ahren He is using this toggle api.jquery.com/toggle-event, however this toggle has been deprecated.
    – Ram
    Commented Aug 19, 2012 at 22:01
  • Your markup is horribly borked. Commented Aug 19, 2012 at 22:06
  • @undefined - Where did you see that was deprecated? The page you link to doesn't mention it (that I can tell). Commented Aug 19, 2012 at 22:11
  • 1
    @JaredFarrish Yes, it doesn't mention it for an unknown reason. api.jquery.com/category/deprecated
    – Ram
    Commented Aug 19, 2012 at 22:13

1 Answer 1


Totally interpreting your markup, which is messy and invalid:

<div id="text">
    <ul id="serv">        
        <li><div class="head"><a href="#">SERVICE 1</a></div></li>
            <div class="cont"><p>CONTENTS </p></div>
            <ul><li>sub list</li></ul>
        <li><div class="head"><a href="#">SERVICE 2</a></div></li>
            <div class="cont"><p>CONTENTS 2</p></div>
            <ul><li>sub list</li></ul>

    $('#serv > li > ul')

    $('#serv > li').toggle(function(){
    }, function(){


Click on the CONTENTS text to see the slide up/down functionality.

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