Using the Datepicker the year drop down by default shows only 10 years. The user has to click the last year in order to get more years added.

How can we set the initial range to be 100 years so that the user will see a large list by default?

enter image description here

    function InitDatePickers() {
            changeMonth: true,
            changeYear: true,
            showButtonPanel: true,
            maxDate: '@maxDate',
            minDate: '@minDate'
  • @dmaij: If only a glance at the API docs wouldn't have answered it... But yes, the image is lovely... :-) Commented Dec 13, 2012 at 17:31
  • @T.J.Crowder There should be a rule that questions look like this. And indeed, looking in the api docs could have saved time to create the image..
    – dmaij
    Commented Dec 13, 2012 at 17:33
  • 13
    @T.J.Crowder Good thing that there is a API. But I just googled "jquery datepicker year range" and found this. Answering my question in 10 seconds. Faster then using an API. Commented Jan 27, 2014 at 14:41

7 Answers 7


You can set the year range using this option per documentation here http://api.jqueryui.com/datepicker/#option-yearRange

yearRange: '1950:2013', // specifying a hard coded year range

or this way

yearRange: "-100:+0", // last hundred years

From the Docs

Default: "c-10:c+10"

The range of years displayed in the year drop-down: either relative to today's year ("-nn:+nn"), relative to the currently selected year ("c-nn:c+nn"), absolute ("nnnn:nnnn"), or combinations of these formats ("nnnn:-nn"). Note that this option only affects what appears in the drop-down, to restrict which dates may be selected use the minDate and/or maxDate options.

  • 5
    Was having trouble before i realized that the + sign is required.
    – th1rdey3
    Commented Jun 16, 2014 at 8:10
  • 1
    Thanks, hard coding it this way yearRange: '1950:2013' worked Commented Nov 17, 2014 at 15:10
  • 1
    for jQuey-Ui yearRange: "c-100:+c+10" works fine where c stands for current year
    – TechieBrij
    Commented Jan 17, 2017 at 8:45
  • 2
    @TechieBrij This is helpful but it's supposed to be c-100:c+10
    – DreamTeK
    Commented Mar 13, 2017 at 11:43
  • 3
    @Obsidian c actually means "Current selected year" and not current year api.jqueryui.com/datepicker/#option-yearRange
    – wirey00
    Commented Apr 27, 2017 at 15:23

Try the following:-

ChangeYear:- When set to true, indicates that the cells of the previous or next month indicated in the calendar of the current month can be selected. This option is used with options.showOtherMonths set to true.

YearRange:- Specifies the range of years in the year dropdown. (Default value: “-10:+10″)


$(document).ready(function() {
        yearRange: "2005:2015"

See:- set year range in jquery datepicker


I did this:

var dateToday = new Date();
var yrRange = dateToday.getFullYear() + ":" + (dateToday.getFullYear() + 50);
and then
yearRange : yrRange

where 50 is the range from current year.


You can set the year range using this option in jQuery UI datepicker:

yearRange: "c-100:c+0", // last hundred years and current years

yearRange: "c-100:c+100", // last hundred years and future hundred years

yearRange: "c-10:c+10", // last ten years and future ten years
  • 2
    Thanks for the examples
    – Jay
    Commented Mar 27, 2019 at 17:14

I wanted to implement the datepicker to select the birthdate and I had troubles changing the yearRange as it doesn't seemed to work with my version (1.5). I updated to the newest jquery-ui datepicker version here: https://github.com/uxsolutions/bootstrap-datepicker.

Then I found out they provide this very helpful on-the-fly tool, so you can config your whole datepicker and see what settings you have to use.

That's how I found out that the option


is the option I was looking for and I didn't find any results searching the web.

So for other users: If you also want to provide the datepicker to change the birthdate, I suggest to use this code options:

    startView: 2,
    maxViewMode: 2,
    daysOfWeekHighlighted: "1,2",
    defaultViewDate: { year: new Date().getFullYear()-20, month: 01, day: 01 }

When opening the datepicker you will start with the view to select the years, 20 years ago relative to the current year.


This is a bit late in the day for suggesting this, given how long ago the original question was posted, but this is what I did.

I needed a range of 70 years, which, while not as much as 100, is still too many years for the visitor to scroll through. (jQuery does step through year in groups, but that's a pain in the patootie for most people.)

The first step was to modify the JavaScript for the datepicker widget: Find this code in jquery-ui.js or jquery-ui-min.js (where it will be minimized):

for (a.yearshtml+='<select class="ui-datepicker-year" onchange="DP_jQuery_'+y+".datepicker._selectMonthYear('#"+
a.id+"', this, 'Y');\" onclick=\"DP_jQuery_"+y+".datepicker._clickMonthYear('#"+a.id+"');\">";b<=g;b++)
 a.yearshtml+='<option value="'+b+'"'+(b==c?' selected="selected"':"")+">"+b+"</option>";

And replace it with this:

a.yearshtml+='<select class="ui-datepicker-year" onchange="DP_jQuery_'+y+
 ".datepicker._selectMonthYear('#"+a.id+"', this, 'Y');
 \" onclick=\"DP_jQuery_"+y+".datepicker._clickMonthYear('#"+a.id+"');
for(opg=-1;b<=g;b++) {
    a.yearshtml+=((b%10)==0 || opg==-1 ?
        (opg==1 ? (opg=0, '</optgroup>') : '')+
        (b<(g-10) ? (opg=1, '<optgroup label="'+b+' >">') : '') : '')+
        '<option value="'+b+'"'+(b==c?' selected="selected"':"")+">"+b+"</option>";

This surrounds the decades (except for the current) with OPTGROUP tags.

Next, add this to your CSS file:

.ui-datepicker OPTGROUP { font-weight:normal; }
.ui-datepicker OPTGROUP OPTION { display:none; text-align:right; }
.ui-datepicker OPTGROUP:hover OPTION { display:block; }

This hides the decades until the visitor mouses over the base year. Your visitor can scroll through any number of years quickly.

Feel free to use this; just please give proper attribution in your code.


firstly be careful that which file is feeding your views as you know there is 2 types of js files first of them is usual one here is bootstrap-datapicker.js and the other one which is mainly used is called bootstrap-datapicker.min.js its better to find the same parts in each file and edit it. try this yearRange: "c-100:c+0" if you just do this and save the file your date picker is able to pick last 100 and feature 10 years.

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