I use jquery ui to add date picker when i click on a text field. But it's Year and month selector are not working. What is the mistake?

function date() {

                                            changeMonth: true,
                                            changeYear: true,
                                            yearRange: "1900:1996"


And my input field code is this

<input type="text" onclick="date()" id="dob"/>

2 Answers 2


You need not to call a function on click of input and bind datepicker every time. Also just one call is enough rather calling it three times.

first call is binding datepicker with default setting


second call is to show datepicker, it is not required as on click of input it will popup automatically


and third call is to show datepicker with your options like show year and month

   changeMonth: true,
   changeYear: true,
   yearRange: "1900:1996"

And you need only third datepicker call for your requirement, Use below code

<input type="text" id="dob"/>


       changeMonth: true,
       changeYear: true,
       yearRange: "1900:1996"



You can achieve by using the following code

        <input type="text" id="datepicker"/>  

The script as follows

      changeMonth: true,
      changeYear: true,
      yearRange: "1900:1996"



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