libgit2sharp C# on Windows Server 2008

I need to obtain reference to a specific branch.

On my Windows machine, I fresh git clone local repo from remote origin on GitHub.

Next I execute following libgit2sharp code :

var localRepo = new Repository({local-path},RepositoryOptions);
var remote = localRepo.Network.Remotes.Add("origin", {remote-repo-uri);
localRepo.Network.Fetch(remote, FetchOptions, Signature, "performing fetch");
var branch = localRepo.Branches[{branch-name}];

But the branch is not present in the collection even though it exists on remote origin on GitHub.

1 Answer 1


Similarly to git, only the default branch (or the one that has been specified in CloneOptions.BranchName) is created as a local head upon cloning.

Other branches are fetched, but only as remote tracking branches.

Two options:

  • Given your remote is named "origin", you can access those remote tracking branches throughlocalRepo.Branches["origin/{branch-name}"];
  • You create a local branch and configure it to track its remote counterpart. See BranchFixture.CanSetUpstreamBranch() test for an example of how to do this.

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