So I've looked up on the jquery ui website and other similar stackoverflow questions at I'm just stuck/confused. My dialog box is just defaulting to the center no matter what I put in and whenever I put in code others seem to have done on here to fix it mine stops working.

My html:

<div id = "dialog-3"
     title = "How is this data aquired?">Any crime publically reported by a local police department is gathered and shown on the map!</div>

My JS:

$( "#dialog-3" ).dialog({
           autoOpen: true, 
           hide: "explode",
           height: 80
$("#dialog-3").dialog(option, position) [25,25];

Thank you in advance I'm very new to coding so sorry if this is a dumb fix.

1 Answer 1


Per the documentation:

Default: { my: "center", at: "center", of: window }

You are not actually setting the position, so it's displaying the default behavior. To remedy this, in either your getter or setter, set the position relative to a traditionally-positioned element.

$( "#dialog-3" ).dialog({
       autoOpen: true, 
       hide: "explode",
       height: 80,
       position: {
         my: "left top",
         at: "left+25 bottom+25",
         of: "#positioned-div"

$("#dialog-3").dialog("option", "position");


$( "#dialog-3" ).dialog({
       autoOpen: true, 
       hide: "explode",
       height: 80

$("#dialog-3").dialog("option", "position", {
         my: "left top",
         at: "left+25 bottom+25",
         of: "#positioned-div"

Good luck and happy coding!

  • Ahhhh I see! Thank you so much! Commented May 20, 2017 at 3:50
  • @longdechong : if answered helped you, you might consider (if not already done) upvote the answer and accepted answer. This will give rewards to both you and the one who helped you. This will also help future seeker/reader.
    – OldPadawan
    Commented May 20, 2017 at 6:53

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