When I try to search for historical data for events on BigQuery I can only find events from the last week. I couldn't find anywhere the information if this is correct, or if I am doing something wrong. Basically it seems that I can only query events_YYYYMMDD from the past week. Is this correct?

  • It entirely depends on your data - do you have an expiry on your dataset? It is possible to set this to 7 days, so you would never have data older than 7 days available, but is it not a default setting.
    – Ben P
    Commented Aug 13, 2019 at 11:06

1 Answer 1


Did you by any chance enable the BigQuery export from Firebase a week ago?

Keep in mind: Firebase will only write to BigQuery that it receives from the moment you enable the integration. It won't write historical data.

  • Hi Frank, Is your answer still valid, I ask this because the statement here confused me. "Firebase exports a copy of your existing data to BigQuery export." By the way, my question is for Firebase Crashlytics, in case analytics and crashlytics exporting behaviours are different. Commented Jun 13, 2020 at 15:45
  • The "a copy of" in there means that Firebase doesn't use BigQuery as its own datastore, but instead exports the data from Firebase to BigQuery for your use. I don't know whether Crashlytics exports historical data, but from a quick scan of the docs it seems to follow the same logic as Analytics. Commented Jun 13, 2020 at 16:11

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