The scenario here is that I have my Firebase( just Analytics-Data) project linked to BigQuery. but when i check on the bigQuery to see the dataset it's not appear there and i don't know which name/id has.

I highly appreciate your support. Thanks

1 Answer 1


According to the documentation, when you link your Firebase Project to BigQuery,a corresponding dataset will be created. This dataset can be found, in BigQuery, under your project id and it will be named as your app. In case, that you have both IOS and Android versions of your app, two datasets will be created as follows:

enter image description here

The above image was taken from the documentation, here.

Furthermore, in addition to your app_events table, under your app's name, you will have apps_events_intraday, which will receive data near real time from Firebase. In other words, as soon as Firebase receives the data from the app it will transfer it to the intraday table in BigQuery. Whereas, the app_events table will be uploaded once per day, link.

Lastly, keep in mind that the data generated by your app can take up to 1 hour to be sent to Firebase which then will be nearly instantly sent to BigQuery. You can read more about the latency here.

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