In my PHP code I have a variable $message which includes the message to be sent to me which has post variables in it. It is supposed to have a semicolon at the end...but it gives me an error saying it is unexpected but I know I need it because it wont work without it. I am at a complete loss. Hopefully someone here can help me.

Error Message:

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected ';'

PHP Code

if(!empty($_POST["name"]) && !empty($_POST["address"]) && !empty($_POST["city"]) && !empty($_POST["phone"]) && !empty($_POST["email"]) && !empty($_POST["type"]))
$message = "Name:" . $_POST["name"] . 
"Address:" . $_POST["address"] . 
"City:" . $_POST["city"] . 
"State:" . $_POST["state"] . 
"Zip Code:" . $_POST["zip"] . 
"Phone:" . $_POST["phone"] . 
"Email:" . $_POST["email"] . 
"Current Roof Type:" . $_POST["type"] . 
"Roof Age:" . $_POST["age"] .
"Is it leaking?:" . $_POST["leak"] . 
"Does it have hail damage?:" . $_POST["hail"] . 
"Insurance:" . $_POST["insurance"] . 
"Additional Comments:" . $_POST["extra"] . 
;                                          <---------------####Unexpected semicolon
$to = "emailasdasdasdasd";
$subject = "Free Estimate";
$from = "Guarantee Roofing";
$headers = "From:" . $_POST["name"];

5 Answers 5

"Additional Comments:" . $_POST["extra"] .  

Unnecessary concatenation operator -----------------here.

PHP is expecting a string/variable next to the concatenation operator and finds semicolon, which is reported unexpected.


here is the problem

 "Additional Comments:" . $_POST["extra"] . 

should be

  "Additional Comments:" . $_POST["extra"]   ;
  • Wow, just that small of a problem...thank you though! Commented Oct 18, 2012 at 18:36
  • @SpencerMay yours very welcome .... Commented Oct 18, 2012 at 18:38
"Additional Comments:" . $_POST["extra"] . 
                                         ^---- dangling concatenation

you're telling PHP to concatenate a couple strings, and then terminate the statement without providing the second string.


There's an extra dot at the end of the string, if you delete the line breaks, you'd end up with

 ... . "Additional Comments:" . $_POST["extra"] . ;

You don't need that extra . after the last line which is implying concatenation.

Remove the . after this line:

"Additional Comments:" . $_POST["extra"] .

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