I am new to php so I used a Youtube tutorial to create this script, however the uploader seems to have disappeared so I cannot ask him any questions. My login form seems to work fine but the registration form is where I am having trouble

I have removed all html from code and all error else statements to try eliminate the error message but I cant seem to find it. Error always occurs at the end of my script.

Any suggestions


        if ( $_POST['registerbtn'] ) {
    //makes sure email, username is valid
    $getuser = $_POST['user'];
    $getemail = $_POST['email'];
    $getpass = $_POST['pass'];
    $getretypepass = $_POST['retypepass'];

    if (!isset($getuser))
        $error = "user not set ";

    if ($getuser) {
        if($getemail) {
            if($getpass) {
                if ($getretypepass) {

                            $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM          users WHERE username ='$getuser'");
                            $numrows = mysql_num_rows($query);
                            if ($numrows == 0) {
                            $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email ='$getemail'");
                            $numrows = mysql_num_rows($query);
                            if ($numrows == 0) {

                                $password = md5(md5("19Dvdnj".$password."jndfFf20"));
                                $date = date("F d, Y");
                                $code = md5(rand());

                                mysql_query("INSERT INTO users VALUES ('', '$getuser', '$password', '$getmail', '0', '$code', '$date')");

                                $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$getuser'");
                                $numrows =mysql_num_rows($query);
                                if ($numrows == 1) { 

                                $site ="http://www.inn.leedsmet.ac.uk/~c3314283/iis/register.php";
                                $webmaster = "[email protected]";
                                $headers = "From: $webmaster";
                                $subject ="Activate your Account";
                                $message = "Thanks for registering. Click below to activate your account.\n";
                                $message .= "$site/activate.php?user=$getuser&code=$code";
                                $message .= "You must activate your account to login";

                                if (mail($getmail, $subject, $message, $headers)){
                                    $errormsg = "You have been registered you must activate your account sent from the the activation link sent to<b>$getemail</b>";
                                    $getuser = "";
                                    $getemail = "";


        $form ="<form action='register.php' method='post'>
    <td><font color='red'>$errormsg</font></td>

    <td><input type='text' name='user' value ='$getuser'/></td>
        <td><input type='text' name='email' value ='$getemail'/></td>
    <td><input type='password' name='pass' value =''/></td>
    <td><input type='password' name='retypepass' value =''/></td>
    <td><input type='submit' name='registerbtn' value ='Register'/></td>
        echo $form;

2 Answers 2


Try autoformating (auto-indent) your code. If you do not have an editor that allows that, get one such as Sublime Text or Notepad++. :-) It will save you a lot of time in similar situations; instead of trying to locate the problem in such situations, after autoformating problems will stare you in the face. :-)

I believe you are missing around six closing braces } (not sure I counted the number of unclosed ifs correctly) after the

    echo $form;

Obviously if this is the case something terribly wrong has happened and it may take more than putting some }s there to heal your code.

This could be a copy&paste problem. Maybe you did not copy the last few lines of the code you found in the Youtube tutorial you mention.


Using any code editor with syntax highlighting (such as Notepad++) will clearly show you that you are missing a }.

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