I have a mvc razor view, this view contains a couple records.Now how can i get record inside jquery dialog for update.I don't get record according by "Route ID" because it is 5 and no data that ID 5.Should i use it for ajax or can i solve this issue not use ajax?

Page details is follow.


URL : EmployeeDetail/5

@model EmployeeCvBank.EmployeeRepository

Person : Irakli Zuradze

Deparment : IT / Software Developer

                                                           + Add new education
|  ID  |  Education                     |  Graduate      |  Actions          |
|  1   |  Batumi University Msc         |  1/7/2012      |  Edit / Delete    |
|  2   |  Tbilisi State University Ms   |  25/9/2010     |  Edit / Delete    |

Edit and Delete action for Education knowledges

public ActionResult EditEducation(PersonEducation model)

public ActionResult DeleteEducation(int id)

public class EmployeeRepository
    public Employee Employee {get;set;}
    public Education Education {get;set;}
  • What do you mean with record id 5?
    – Marthijn
    Commented Dec 16, 2013 at 9:10

1 Answer 1


If I'm not wrong you want to modify Educational detail of user having Id 5 ?

There is always a way around


  1. Create Hidden field, which will hold your education id on form submit.

  2. Add onclick event to 'Edit' link

    <a href="javascript:PopulateHiddenFieldsBeforeSubmit('@education.id')" >Edit</a>
      function PopulateHiddenFieldsBeforeSubmit(educationId)
         $("#EducationId").val(educationId);//prove hidden educationid field with selected value

  3. Decorate Employee post action

    Public ActionResult EmployeeDetail(EmployeeRepository collection, int EducationId)
      //Now you have desired educationid here

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