
I'm quite new on PHP coding and would like to see If it's possible to get help of the code below. Apparently the error is only on line 6.

class DBWrapper
    function DBWrapper($server,$db,$user,$pass)
        $this->Server = $server;
        $this->DB = $db;
        $this->User = $user;
        $this->Password = $pass;

        mysql_connect($this->Server, $this->User, $this->password) or
                    die("Can't connect, please check your settings. Here is the MySQL error: ".mysql_error());

        mysql_select_db($this->DB) or
                    die("Can't select DB, please check your settings. Here is the MySQL error: ".mysql_error());       

I really hope to receive some help about this.

  • 4
    You should not post your username and password etc..
    – Matheno
    Commented Jan 5, 2015 at 16:22
  • 2
    Your code makes no sense at all!
    – Rizier123
    Commented Jan 5, 2015 at 16:23
  • 4
    Flagged for moderator attention to get a developer to remove the username/password: puu.sh/e6J9f/1bc72aeb79.png
    – AStopher
    Commented Jan 5, 2015 at 16:26
  • 1
    I advise you to change your password
    – Peter
    Commented Jan 5, 2015 at 16:31
  • 3
    I've deleted this question, pending removal of the edit history items by a Stack Exchange developer. It will likely be restored after that. I do still strongly recommend you change the login information on the server right away, @Bruno Commented Jan 5, 2015 at 17:50

2 Answers 2



    $this->Server = $mysql3.000webhost.com;

You have no quotes on this "string", so it's being parsed as:

$this->Sever = somevariable concatenate with undefined/illegal constant concatenate with undefined constant


    $this->Server = '$mysql3.000webhost.com';

or something?

  • I think it should just be $this->Server = $Server e.d.
    – Peter
    Commented Jan 5, 2015 at 16:39
  • 2
    maybe, but that's up to OP to clarify.
    – Marc B
    Commented Jan 5, 2015 at 16:39
  • I've deleted this question, pending removal of the edit history items by a Stack Exchange developer. It will likely be restored after that. Commented Jan 5, 2015 at 17:50
    $this->Server = $#####;
    $this->DB = $#####;
    $this->User = $######;
    $this->Password = $#######;

Hmm, aren't those strings? If so, skip $ and put them into '.

    $this->Server = 'mysql3.000webhost.com';
    $this->DB = 'a3206525_ezmail';
    $this->User = 'a3206525_ezmail';
    $this->Password = 'belfegor666';

Also, it's not wise to publish your credentials ;)

And the most important advice, read some more about PHP. It'll really help you.

  • 1
    awesome! and thank you! (') this did the trick ;) thanks also for the advice, I got a bit stressed out and forgot to cleanup the credentials :/ Commented Jan 5, 2015 at 16:58

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