Alright people,

I am using the RequireJs text plugin to pull in underscore templates (.html) in my backbone application. Unfortunately my underscore code in my templates are being rendered as plain text.

define(['Backbone', 'text!Templates/BlogIndex.html', 'text!Templates/Elements/Blog/List.html'], function(Backbone, Template, ElementList){

var BlogPostIndexView = Backbone.View.extend({

    initialize: function () {
       this.template = _.template($(Template).html(), {posts : this.collection});


    render: function (Template) {
        return this;


return BlogPostIndexView;


Here is my code for my view, you can see i am pulling-in two templates and setting them. However it getting rendered as ...

Globall Coach Blog Posts

<% _.each(posts, function(post){ %>
<%= _.escape(post.title) %>
<% }); %>

Has anybody ever had this issue?

  • 1
    Doesn't text!... give you the text so you'd just need to say _.template(Template)? And _.template(tmpl, date) doesn't work as of Underscore 1.7.0, you need to t = _.template(tmpl); h = t(data) now. Commented Sep 25, 2015 at 16:27
  • Thanks looks like i am getting somewhere now dude Commented Sep 27, 2015 at 13:48

2 Answers 2


Seems like you're not using the underscore template function correctly. Underscore compiles the string into a function in which you can pipe in data. so your code should look like this:

define(['Backbone', 'text!Templates/BlogIndex.html', 'text!Templates/Elements/Blog/List.html'], function(Backbone, Template, ElementList){

var BlogPostIndexView = Backbone.View.extend({

    initialize: function () {
       this.template = _.template($(Template).html())({posts : this.collection});


    render: function () {
        return this;


return BlogPostIndexView; 

But I would refactor this further because you usually want to dynamically re-render with the latest data so I would put the piping in the data to the template in the "render" method instead of "initialize".

So preferably I would do this:

define(['Backbone', 'text!Templates/BlogIndex.html', 'text!Templates/Elements/Blog/List.html'], function(Backbone, Template, ElementList){

var BlogPostIndexView = Backbone.View.extend({

    initialize: function () {
       this.template = _.template($(Template).html())


    render: function () {
        this.$el.html(this.template({posts : this.collection}));
        return this;


return BlogPostIndexView; 

Turns @mu-is-to-short was correct, requireJs text module returns the the raw html.

Here it `define(['Backbone', 'text!Templates/BlogIndex.html', 'text!Templates/Elements/Blog/List.html'], function(Backbone, Template, ElementList){

var BlogPostIndexView = Backbone.View.extend({

    initialize: function () {
       this.template = _.template(Template);


    render: function (Template) {
        this.$el.html(this.template({posts : this.collection.toJSON()}));
        return this;


return BlogPostIndexView; 

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