I have a simple code to make the Web Site swipeable, It's working when I test on Google Chrome on Desktop, but when I'm going to test on my mobile device or on Google Chrome DevTools Device Mode it's not working.

I tried to change the values of HammerGestureConfig overrides, but when I try to change to swipeleft or swiperight I got an error, only accept the swipe override.

import * as Hammer from 'hammerjs';
import { HammerGestureConfig, HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG, BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { SwipeComponent } from './components/swipe/swipe.component';

export class HammerConfig extends HammerGestureConfig {
  overrides = {
    swipe: { direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_ALL },
  } as any;

  declarations: [
  providers: [
      useClass: HammerConfig
export class AppModule { }


1 Answer 1


I had to change the inputClass to Hammer.TouchInput

export class HammerConfig extends HammerGestureConfig  {
  buildHammer(element: HTMLElement): HammerManager {
     return new Hammer.Manager(element, {
      touchAction: 'auto',
      inputClass: Hammer.TouchInput,
      recognizers: [
        [Hammer.Swipe, {
          direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL

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