I'd like to ask if there is any API that supports converting ed25519 keypairs to curve25519 ones.

Using ed2curve for node.js now, and if you have any better recommendation, I'd appreciate your suggestions.

also looking for an API that supports curve25519 encryption/decryption.... (I tried tweetnacl's nacl.box and had no idea what nonce was)

So here's what I need

  • converting ed25519 to curve25519 (to encrypt/decrypt aes256key) - JAVA api
  • curve25519 encryption/decryption (does bouncy castle do that?) - JAVA, Javascript

I'd really appreciate your help. Thanks, have a great day!

  • Libsodium supports the transformation of Ed25519 into X25519 keys. In Java, Libsodium can be used via various wrapper libraries, e.g. Lazysodium. The conversion is possible with convertKeyPairEd25519ToCurve25519. Java itself (JEP324) and BouncyCastle (Release 2.7.3) support X25519, but afaik not the conversion.
    – Topaco
    Commented Jun 12, 2020 at 12:21
  • @Topaco It's just what i was looking for! Thank you so much! hope you have a wonderful week!
    – Minji Cho
    Commented Jun 15, 2020 at 0:36