I have this jQuery click event

$('#sidebar .nav a span').click(function () {
  var sidebar_nav = $(this);
  $("#main").load("type_change.php?id="+id, successCallback);

And then i have the callback to do the binding

var successCallback = function(responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {
  //doing all the binding in here

Is there a way to pass $(this) or sidebar_nav or to the successCallback function so I can do something with it

  • ask yourself, what happens when you click on 2nd span before the first load event rises? i think you need a design reconsideration. cannot propose one because i'm not sure about what you really need. but your error is that you have navigation links that you want to pass to asynchronous event of a single element. the load event may not rise in the exact order you assume.
    – venimus
    Commented Jun 10, 2011 at 15:52

4 Answers 4


You could use $.proxy:

$("#main").load("type_change.php?id="+id, $.proxy(successCallback, $(this)));

This will set this inside successCallback to whatever you pass as second parameter.

If you want this still to refer to $("#main"), then you could change the callback to accept one more parameter:

var successCallback = function(responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest, target) {
  //doing all the binding in here

and call it like so:

var sidebar_nav = $(this);
$("#main").load("type_change.php?id="+id, function() {
    var args = $.makeArray(arguments);
    successCallback.apply(this, args);

target will refer to sidebar_nav.

  • Good point on retaining the #main element as this. That may be what OP intended. +1
    – user113716
    Commented Jun 10, 2011 at 15:59

Wrap it in a function, and use .apply() to invoke your function:

$('#sidebar .nav a span').click(function () {
  var sidebar_nav = this;
  $("#main").load("type_change.php?id="+id, function() {
       successCallback.apply( sidebar_nav, arguments );

Now, this in your callback will be the element that was clicked, and the other arguments to the load() callback will be passed along as well.

  • Wouldn't something like successCallback.apply(sidebar_nav,arguments) be more appropriate? this in your example is calling back #main.
    – buzzedword
    Commented Jun 10, 2011 at 15:51
  • @Buzzedword: Yes, I already caught that. I was focused on the wrong element. Thanks for the heads-up though. :o)
    – user113716
    Commented Jun 10, 2011 at 15:53

Another solution would be to generate the callback function and provide this as an argument to the generator:

var genSuccessCallback = function (element) {
  return function(responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {
    // use "element" here

$("#main").load("type_change.php?id="+id, genSuccessCallback(this));

Is there any reason that you couldn't use an anonymous function in the callback? For instance:

$('#sidebar .nav a span').click(function () {
    var sidebar_nav = $(this);
    main.load("/shop_pos/includes/business_type_change.php?industry_category_id="+industry_category_id+"&business_type_id="+business_type_id+"&class_id="+class_id+"&quantity="+quantity, '', function (responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {
        // Function can read sidebar_nav here
        if (textStatus == 'success') {
            // Do stuff here, including that $.post that you might want to do.

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