I'm using replit for my programming here, and am trying to put an object into a list. When I try and make a new game to update my data to the default data, it tells me ValueError: Circular reference detected., and I am not entirely sure what this means. The replit in question is this. It only ever happens when I try and add an object into the list. Does anyone know why this is happening?

Edit: This is the class:

class Lemon:
  def __init__(self, _type, _rating):
    self.type = _type
    self.rating = _rating

  def typeText(self):
    # basic lemons
    if self.type == 0:
      return 'Basic lemon'
    elif self.type == 1:
      return 'Happy lemon'
    elif self.type == 2:
      return 'Sad lemon'
    elif self.type == 3:
      return 'Hasty lemon'
    elif self.type == 4:
      return 'Cool lemon'
    # rare lemons
    elif self.type == 5:
      return '[gold3]Fire lemon[/gold3]'
    elif self.type == 6:
      return '[gold3]Ice lemon[/gold3]'
    elif self.type == 7:
      return '[gold3]Tired lemon[/gold3]'
    elif self.type == 8:
      return '[gold3]Shocked lemon[/gold3]'
    elif self.type == 9:
      return '[gold3]Bored lemon[/gold3]'
    # epic lemons
    elif self.type == 10:
      return '[green]Caveman lemon[/green]'
    elif self.type == 11:
      return '[green]Future lemon[/green]'
    elif self.type == 12:
      return '[green]Alien lemon[/green]'
    elif self.type == 13:
      return '[green]Liquid lemon[/green]'
    # legendary lemons
    elif self.type == 14:
      return '[cyan]Cat lemon[/cyan]'
    elif self.type == 15:
      return '[cyan]Dog lemon[/cyan]'
    elif self.type == 16:
      return '[cyan]Earth lemon[/cyan]'
    # mythic lemons
    elif self.type == 17:
      return '[blue]Water lemon[/blue]'
    elif self.type == 18:
      return '[blue]Air lemon[/blue]'
    # magical lemons
    elif self.type == 19:
      return '[magenta]Elemental lemon[/magenta]'
  def show(self, bare=True):
    if bare:
      return self.typeText()
      return f'{self.typeText()} with a rating of {self.rating}'

and here is where I set the default data:

defaultData = {'money': 0,
              'lemons': [Lemon(1, 1)]}

Hope this helps!

  • A circulair refernce means that a refernces b and b refernces a, which forms an (often) unwanted loop Commented Aug 25, 2022 at 10:35
  • Please share your code here ... Commented Aug 25, 2022 at 10:43
  • Do not use the name type. it is predefined
    – NoBlockhit
    Commented Aug 25, 2022 at 11:15
  • Can you please provide an MRE, i dont see the problem here
    – NoBlockhit
    Commented Aug 25, 2022 at 12:25
  • @NoBlockhit I quickly made one on replit, which afaik is necessary to reproduce this bug as it seems to be to do with replit's database feature. Hope this helps! Commented Aug 25, 2022 at 14:47


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