I am distributing a product based on Replit and it’s already out of storage. I’ve seen that the Replit hacker plan can add more local storage, but I can’t find anything regarding the database. Is there any way to get more storage?

  • Hacker Pro just got released, and I believe they will be adding a way to pay for more storage with cycles
    – LuisAFK
    Commented Mar 18, 2023 at 11:28

2 Answers 2


You could buy some more storage. Go to your Replit home page, and go to "My cycles" and then go to the place where it says "or choose a Hacker or Teams Pro plan instead" and click on the link. You can pay $7.00 a month for 2 gigs of storage. One more thing you could do is make a GitHub page, and Iframe that page, but this would only work for files that are independent from the rest of the code or are independent scripts.


Sadly, the only way is to pay for them. It might be changed later, but for right now paying is the only way.

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