Did I miss something or the Event.Keys object has gone from mootools since 1.4.0 ?

I cannot get the real value of a key or compare it to the current pressed key :

var modifiers = {
    previous: Event.Keys.left,
    next: Event.Keys.right
switch (evt.code){
    case Event.Keys.backspace:
        // Do some stuff;
    case Event.Keys.delete:
        // Do some other stuff

Is ther a possibility this object has move to another object or property ?

1 Answer 1


erm. Under the new API changes, Event is now known as DOMEvent, a MooTools Type, not a Class. Additionally, event definitions are now private behind a closure in a keys array.


There is an API to work with it:

    38: "up"

which, regretfully - is one way: You have no getter for the Event.Keys, you cannot set it w/o going through the API either.

You can redefine them as per the source or store a local var of what they mean. You can also refactor it to puncture it.

You can also do pseudo events, like keydown:left

DOMEvent.definePseudo('left', function(split, fn, args){
    // args[0] is the Event instance
    if(args[0].key == 'left') fn.apply(this, args);

document.getElement("textarea").addEvent("keydown:left", function(e) {
    alert("left pressed!");

the alert above will only fire if you press the left arrow inside your textarea. Hope this helps...

  • Ok, thank you for this explanation, I will go through thoses cool pseudo events.
    – loranger
    Commented Oct 5, 2011 at 16:50

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