Im seeking assistance regarding an issue with call forwarding.

I have implemented call forwarding within my TwiML code to redirect incoming calls to a different phone number. The code is working as expected when forwarding calls to numbers of certain lengths, such as "+64277006667" (11 digits). However, I am facing difficulties when attempting to forward calls to numbers with a different length, such as "+642108224822 (12 digits)."

I have tested the call forwarding with various numbers, and the issue seems to persist consistently with numbers of a specific length. 11 digits and the call forwards, 12 digits and it doesnt.

This number is my number and has always worked in the past.

Below is my code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Response> <Dial record ="record-from-answer"> <Number url=https://handler.twilio.com/twiml/EH01c4fff2df5a96f08314151622196888> +642108224822 </Number></Dial> </Response>

Thanks! Ronnie

  • What is the difficulty you are encountering? What error is shown in the Twilio Debug log?
    – jassent
    Commented Aug 15, 2023 at 15:22


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