I recently created a new project in CakePHP 5 which is PHP 8.1+ compatible and accepts named parameters. I freshly baked a model and in the controller, when using PhpStorm (2023.1.2), I get a highlighted error.

Note that the code itself executes fine, it's PhpStorm that is calling it an error.

The tutorial/baked controller errors out in the editor with the following (Components is a hasMany relationship):

    public function view(?string $id = null): void
        $unit = $this->Units->get($id, contain: ['Components']);

PhpStorm gives me:

Unknown named parameter 'contain'

Prior to CakePHP 5, the syntax was:

    public function view(?string $id = null): void
        $unit = $this->Units->get($id, ['contain' => ['Components']]);

1 Answer 1


The cakephp-ide-helper / bake issue is solved. Try updating with composer update and bake your annotations again.

Then your Table-classes should have updated annotations and the PhpStorm error should be gone because of the updated annotations.

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