I am trying to implement signalDb with RxDB

Just following this example by signalDb (Here's the source code of this example)

Ang I got this error:

DexieError {_e: Error
    at getErrorWithStack (http://localhost:3000/packages/modules.js?hash=85ffa25002a8a31ff006…, name: 'PrematureCommitError', message: 'Transaction committed too early. See link here', inner: null, _promise: DexiePromise, …}

Here's the code:


const createDatabase = async (dbName) => {
  const dbPromise = createRxDatabase({
    name: dbName,
    storage: getRxStorageDexie(),
  await dbPromise.then(async (db) => {
    const res = await db.waitForLeadership();
    await db.addCollections({
          todo: {
            schema: todoSchema,

I hope you can help me to understand or resolve this issue. Thank you in advance


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