I had a SingleStore database and I decided to switch to Apache Cassandra, transferred all the tables with data, and decided to test the queries. Cassandra doesn't understand "WITH" Clause.

WITH t AS (SELECT * FROM tt), ...

enter image description here

Cassandra does not follow the relational model. Data is modeled on the query. Joins and sub-queries are not supported. Data denormalization and table duplication are required.

From I haven't found anything else about this problem other than this.

I wanted to know what options there are to get out of the situation.

The only idea is to put all the data in one table

1 Answer 1


TL;DR there are no joins with C*. See this earlier thread and answers.

I think you need a basic training how to come from RDBMS to Cassandra world and I believe these below links would work out for you to better understand this side,


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