I have one csv file which has data of 3 months and have a key column but it has empty values and I have a second file which has also three months records but one week after the records from the first file. They have overlapping records.

Now, I want to create a pipeline which find the new records of key columns in the second file and insert in the main database and also check the old records of the key columns where it is missi g and update it with the records from the new second file.

First file

study date report no pat no examname

23/11/2023 WD2451 1345 MRI HIP 25/11/2023 1359 MRI Shoulder 29/11/2023 1754 MRI HIP

Second File

study date report no pat no examname

23/11/2023 WD2451 1345 MRI HIP 01/12/2023 WD1983 1359 MRI Shoulder 04/12/2023 1754 MRI HIP

1 Answer 1


Here are two files I have used:


study date report no pat no examname
23/11/2023 WD2451 1345 MRI HIP
25/11/2023 1359 MRI Shoulder
29/11/2023 1754 MRI HIP


study date report no pat no examname
23/11/2023 WD2451 1345 MRI HIP
1/12/2023 WD1983 1359 MRI Shoulder
29/11/2023 WD19834 1754 MRI HIP

Copy the first file from the source to the SQL database using the copy activity and insert option.

To find the new records of key columns in the second file and insert them in the main database table, and also check the old records of the key columns where they are missing and update them with the records from the new second file, you can use the upsert option in sink and select study date as the key column, as shown below:

enter image description here

After debugging the pipeline, you will get the updated table according to the second file, as shown below:

enter image description here

  • I want to update the MRI shoulder record with the report no that is available in the second csv file instead of inserting it as a new record.
    – Asad
    Commented Jan 31 at 11:48
  • Then use examname as Key column.
    – Bhavani
    Commented Jan 31 at 11:52

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