I'm working with a WordPress Multisite setup where one of the subsites is located in a subdirectory named /en/. I've encountered an issue where URLs that include a duplicate subdirectory path, specifically /en/en/, need to be redirected to just /en/.

For example, I want https://example.com/en/en/some-page/ to redirect to https://example.com/en/some-page/.

I attempted to set up this redirection using YoastSEO, which allows for RegEx-based redirects. However, my current setup does not seem to work as expected. Here's what I've tried:

  • RegEx pattern: ^en/en/(.+)
  • Destination URL: /en/$1

Despite this setup, the redirection fails and URLs with the duplicate /en/en/ path are not redirected properly.

Is there anything wrong with my RegEx pattern?

  • try matching (en\/){2,} and replacing with $1. See regex101.com/r/VJsqG4/latest. I think your issue is, that ^ anchors your expression to the start of string, while en/ is in fact in the middle of the URL Commented Feb 20 at 10:39