String VIEW_ID = "0000000000";
String[] GA_METRICS = {"newUsers","activeUsers","totalUsers","addToCarts","cartToViewRate","checkouts","screenPageViews","totalPurchasers"};
List<Metric> metrics = new ArrayList<Metric>() {{
    for(String metricName : GA_METRICS) {
List<OrderBy> orderBys = new ArrayList<OrderBy>() {{
    //how to declare Orderby...
    //i want to order by date asc

RunReportRequest request = RunReportRequest.newBuilder().setProperty("properties/" + VIEW_ID)

I'd like to add an alignment in google-analytics api However, we are unable to proceed because the released sample does not contain any details.

I searched the sample for ga4 and then checked it, but it was not applied to v1beta.

i can`t find any samples...about it plz some help to me

  • What is the issue with what you have? is there an error Commented Jun 16 at 19:03
  • no i have no error... i want to know about sample....how to use orderby old sample is ============ List<OrderBy> orderBys= null; if(params.get("fieldName")!=null) { orderBys= new ArrayList<>(); OrderBy orderBy= new OrderBy().setFieldName((String) params.get("fieldName")).setSortOrder((String) params.get("sortOrder")).setOrderType((String)params.get("orderType")); orderBys.add(orderBy); } =========== but it not apply on v1beta
    – kim jason
    Commented Jun 17 at 1:35
  • did you check the docs for orderby Commented Jun 17 at 7:10

1 Answer 1


I found this example of orderBys:


static void sampleRunReportWithOrdering(String propertyId) throws Exception {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (BetaAnalyticsDataClient analyticsData = BetaAnalyticsDataClient.create()) {
      RunReportRequest request =
              .setProperty("properties/" + propertyId)

      // Make the request.
      RunReportResponse response = analyticsData.runReport(request);
      // Prints the response using a method in RunReportSample.java

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