I do have a MongoDB collection that stores values from some Airflow sensor. For putting these values into a line chart, I need these values grouped together into 15 minute intervals. My aggregation query does return the correct values, but I need them to include the timestamp.

The entries in this collection look like this:


My code for the aggregation function looks like this:

    async getAllValuesFromRange(
        sensorId: string, 
        tenantId: string,
        from: number,
        to?: number, 
    ) {
        const fifteenMinutesInMilliseconds = 1000 * 60 * 15;

        let allValuesFromRange = this.processGasModel
                  $match: {
                      time: {
                          $gte: from,
                          ...(to ? { $lte: to } : {})
                  $project: {
                      _id: 0,
                      time: -1,
                      lpermin: { $multiply: ["$lpermin", ProcessgasService.DATA_MEASUREMENT_CONVERSION_RATIO] },
                  $group: {
                      _id: {
                          $toDate: {
                              $subtract: [
                                  { $mod: ["$time", fifteenMinutesInMilliseconds] }
                      totalLiters: { $sum: "$lpermin" },
                      timestamp: { $first: "$time" }
                  $sort: { _id: 1 }
                $project: {
                    time: "$_id",
                    _id: 0,
                    liters: "$totalLiters"
          allValuesFromRange.then((result) => {
            console.log("AllValuesFromRange: " + result);

          return allValuesFromRange;

I want the output within 'allValuesFromRange' to look like this: { time: 1718717978632, liters: 483 },{ time: 1718717918630, liters: 275 } where each object represents the grouped values of 15 minutes.