
I have a zookeeper running which is versioned 3.9.2, but unfortunately, apache curator dependencies for the clients haven't been upgraded.

I would like to know what is the compatible version of apache curator ?

Reason for asking is that, currently am using 4.2.0 version of apache curator. But, am facing issues similar to https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CURATOR-638 (Curator disconnect from zookeeper when IPs change), which seems to have been fixed in 5.4 version of curator.

But, how do I know the compatibility between apache zookeeper and apache curator ?

I am looking something similar to compatibility tabulation maintained between cometd and jetty https://docs.cometd.org/current/reference/#_preface

Though cometd depends on jetty to run. We cannot equate to zookeeper server and curator. But still it helps, for example, some of the releases of apache curator might have caught up with the changes done in zookeeper. Hence asking. Thanks for reading.

Note: I got a beautiful answer to my previous query between cometd and jetty here which helped me earlier - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61291645/is-there-a-compatibility-table-between-cometd-jar-and-jetty-jar#:~:text=Using%20CometD%205%20will%20also,a%20dependency%20to%20Jetty%209.4.


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