I have set up one user on a single virtual machine with non-admin access to RSAT (Regression Suite Automation Tool) but I want to add additional users. I have followed instructions at: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/fin-ops-core/dev-itpro/perf-test/rsat/rsat-configure-nonadmin, relevant part is step 5

First step in Powershell is to enable non-admin mode - done.

Second step in Powershell is to enable each user. The first user looks to be enabled successfully but when I add a second I get a message:

"Giving access to user to a single port https://+:745/ so JsDispatcher tests can create self-hosted service Please install the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) feature. For installation execute 'Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell'"

I'm unclear what is required and why. It seems a coincidence that this RSAT (Regression Suite Automation Tools) would need the other RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools) and I don't know whether this is a dependency, certainly not mentioned in the help if so. Thanks Dan