I am in the process of replacing Dapper with EF Core in a project. Specifically using the new Database.SqlQuery and Database.ExecuteSql functionality with EF Core. I like how they use FormattableString to handle SQL parameters.

However I am confused on what to do when I would like to use both string interpolation and the curly braces for parameters with the FormattableStrings? Se example below of a Dapper version and a non-working EF Core version. I would not like the "subSql" to be passed as a parameter but just to create the string. How would I approach this?

public IEnumerable<Something> GetSomethingWithDapper(string id, bool enabled, string type)
    var subSql = switch (type) {
        case "A":
        case "B":
    var sql = $"SELECT * FROM {subSql} WHERE Id = @id";
    // My dapper request here

public IEnumerable<Something> GetSomethingWithEFCore(string id, string type)
    var subSql = switch (type) {
        case "A":
        case "B":
    FormattableString sql = $"SELECT * FROM {subSql} WHERE Id = {id}";
    // My EF Core request here
  • 2
    If you use EF Core why are you using raw SQL at all? EF Core is an ORM, not a database driver. It tries to give the impression of working with in-memory entities instead of tables and rows. It's EF's job to generate the query from the entities and their relations, not yours. Instead of this code, all you really need is var customer=context.Customers.Find(id);. And if you want the customer's orders, var customer=context.Customers.Include(c=>c.Orders).Find(id); Commented Jul 4 at 7:38
  • We use both Dapper and EF Core. Dapper only when we need to get data that are not just a representation of the models. This parts I would like to replace now since EF Core do support this. Commented Jul 4 at 7:41
  • Why not add it to the model? And why move away from Dapper? Support and Is Better aren't the same. You're obviously mapping the full table, so why isn't Something part of the model? Commented Jul 4 at 7:43
  • Does this answer your question?: stackoverflow.com/a/50452479/25070013
    – Peko Miko
    Commented Jul 4 at 7:46
  • @PekoMiko No I see nothing about strint interpolation in that answer at all? Commented Jul 4 at 7:50

1 Answer 1


The equivalent to Dapper's QueryAsync<Something>(sql,id) is SqlQueryRaw, not SqlQuery or FromSql. SqlQuery and FromSql will treat all parameters in a FormattableString as query parameters. There's no way to tell that some of those parameters should be used for string interpolation and some for other things.

With SqlQueryRaw, the equivalent to Dapper's con.Query<int>(sql,new {id}) is context.Database.SqlQueryRaw<int>(sql,new{id}) eg:

var id= new SqlParameter("id", 45);
var ids = context.Database
    .SqlQueryRaw<int>("SELECT Id from TableX where id=@id",@id)


var sql=$"SELECT Id from {table} where id=@id";
var ids = context.Database
    .SqlQueryRaw<int>("SELECT Id from TableX where id=@id",id)

This is also shown in the EF SQL query docs, in the Dynamic SQL and Parameters section:

If you've decided you do want to dynamically construct your SQL, you'll have to use FromSqlRaw, which allows interpolating variable data directly into the SQL string, instead of using a database parameter:

var columnName = "Url";
var columnValue = new SqlParameter("columnValue", "http://SomeURL");

var blogs = context.Blogs
    .FromSqlRaw($"SELECT * FROM [Blogs] WHERE {columnName} = @columnValue", columnValue)

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