
I currently manage two separate Shopify stores and I'm looking for a way to sync the discount codes between them. My goal is to ensure that whenever a discount code is created or updated in one store, it automatically gets reflected in the other store.

I came across the Shopify App Template Remix and I'm considering using it to develop a custom app to achieve this synchronization. However, I'm not entirely sure if this is the right approach or if there are better alternatives.

Here's what I have in mind:

  1. Use the Shopify App Template Remix to create a new app.

  2. Implement the necessary logic to listen for discount code creation and updates in Store A.

  3. When a discount code event is detected, use the Shopify Admin API to replicate/update/delete this discount code in Store B.

  4. Ensure that the same process happens in reverse, so any changes in Store B are also reflected in Store A.

My questions are:

  • Has anyone used the Shopify App Template Remix for a similar purpose? Because I´m kinda stuck as you can read in the comments.

  • Would this approach be the right one overall or are there any other options ?

  • Are there any existing apps or integrations that might be a better option for this process?

  • for the downvotes I did my research and I´m kinda stucked thats why I´m asking.. I have successfully set up the Shopify App Template Remix and created a basic app. I have also been able to authenticate and access the Shopify Admin API from the app. My initial tests with creating and updating discount codes via the API did not worked well, because I could not use the authenticate.webhook(request), even though the normal authenticate.admin function is working.. weird.. I also opened an issue (github.com/Shopify/shopify-app-template-remix/issues/763) in the repository.
    – Fynn Menk
    Commented Jul 8 at 14:23


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