I am getting the following error syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING on this line $this->email->subject($this->core_model->companyDetails()->coreCompanyName 'User Registration Confirmation'); have I make a mistake with the '' and ""? I have also past the name as $data can I include this in the subject instead of the model call?

3 Answers 3


You probably forgot a comma: Try this:

$this->email->subject($this->core_model->companyDetails()->coreCompanyName, 'User Registration Confirmation');

instead of

$this->email->subject($this->core_model->companyDetails()->coreCompanyName 'User Registration Confirmation');

You're missing a dot.

$this->email->subject($this->core_model->companyDetails()->coreCompanyName.'User Registration Confirmation');

Did you miss to concatenate the two strings (coreCompanyName and "User Registration Confirmation)? Write a "." between the two. See also here.

The code should look like:

$this->email->subject($this->core_model->companyDetails()->coreCompanyName . ' User Registration Confirmation');
  • no, he's just missing a comma, not a dot
    – Martin.
    Commented Feb 19, 2012 at 20:32
  • The subject method doesn't seem to have two parameters... see here
    – wonderb0lt
    Commented Feb 19, 2012 at 20:35

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