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Questions tagged [airflow]

Apache Airflow is a workflow management platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) of tasks.

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Can't expose Airflow UI with Classic Load Balancer

I have an airflow helm release running on EKS cluster NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE LABELS pod/airflow-postgresql-0 1/1 Running ...
Konstantin's user avatar
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What is the configuration for Apache Airflow, Django, PySpark together in Systemd services?

We are using Apache airflow, Django (python), and Spark (pySpark) in our project. Our DAGs are running fine when run 'airflow scheduler' is run from command line. However, these DAGs are not working ...
Govinda Padaki's user avatar
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Loading Joblib model in Airflow dag

I'm trying to use joblib inside an airflow dag, when loading a model file I run joblib.load(model_name) but I get an error File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/", line 331, in ...
Nevermore's user avatar
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Apache Airflow service start in wrong folder

When I start the following airflow service, it create a new folder in /home/airflow/airflow/ instead of using the configuration from /home/airflow/ and initialize a new DB. Description=Airflow ...
Pierre Anken's user avatar
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Airflow metrics not showing in datadog

I don't see any logs coming to the datadog for airflow, I enabled the logs and even added the DD_DOGSTATSD_MAPPER_PROFILES in the helm values for agent. I am looking to send the job logs aswell, which ...
Ramki's user avatar
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Retrieve result status from AzureContainerInstancesOperator into XCOM in Airflow

I'd like to have an Airflow DAG get some status information back after running an AzureContainerInstancesOperator task in Airflow. With the equivalent docker operator, DockerOperator, it is possible ...
Tim Perry's user avatar
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Airflow pods wil only run on one k8s node (probably not an affinity issue)

I am running Airflow (deployed via Helm chart) using the KubernetesExecutor on a microk8s cluster that's also runnig Ceph. We have 4 nodes. A control node and three identical data/processing nodes. I ...
einarhg's user avatar
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Airflow is triggering concurrent lambda runs

I have two AWS lambda functions that run in docker containers that I trigger using Airflow, one at a time. I currently am triggering the data pipeline using my local MWAA for testing purposes. I want ...
PurpleHacker's user avatar
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How to send Airflow Failed Notifications to Microsoft Teams using Microsoft 365 Worfklow

I've got an Airflow function who send failed notification task in Teams group. With new Microsoft politics my old webhook call will not function anymore in few months so i want to work right now to ...
Onyx's user avatar
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Issue with Airflow Variables Adding Extra Backslashes to Private Key

I'm encountering a peculiar issue with Airflow. I've stored a private key as a variable in Airflow, but it seems to be adding an extra backslash (\) to newline characters (\n). Here's an example of ...
daniel guo's user avatar
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How to retrive which DAG has updated a Composer Airflow Dataset

Regarding Google Cloud Composer, I have defined a DAG in this way: dataset = Dataset("//my_Dataset") dag = DAG( dag_id='my_dag', default_args=default_args, schedule=[dataset], catchup=...
domiziano's user avatar
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Deploying "Variables" in Cloud Composer via Terraform

I have set up a minimal version of a Composer environment in GCP. Through Terraform, I have deployed this thus far: resource "google_composer_environment" "airflow-poc-env" { ...
Mattheo's user avatar
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Airflow run same task with pause for 24 hours

Is there a way to pause a task for 24 hours then run the same task again? I want to write a dag that pull data from api, but the api have limit of data I can pull in a day so I need to wait for 24 ...
Nutzuchima's user avatar
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Airflow error while creating EMR cluster via DAG

I am looking to create an EMR cluster via airflow DAG using EmrCreateJobFlowOperator using a role called dev-emr-ec2-profile-role for jobFlow. This role is used to provision EMR cluster via Terraform ...
Anngva82's user avatar
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KubernetesPodOperator don't see PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim

I have an issue with KubernetesPodOperator. Maybe someone could give me an advice or know the answer. I'm implementing Liquibase tool on my project. And we are going to trigger Liquibase from Airflow ...
Aleksandr Semenov's user avatar

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