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Questions tagged [ajaxcontroltoolkit]

The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit is an open-source project built on top of the Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX framework.

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Backspace key not working while using Ajaxtoolkit masked edit extender and validator (ASP.NET, Microsoft Edge, Ajaxtoolkit)

I have 2 textboxes using ajaxtoolkit's masked edit extender and validator to input dates using a calendar extender as well as to ensure that dates are entered in the proper format for the db. For some ...
Alex Mo's user avatar
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Having Issue with AjaxCalendarExtenderControl.Add in ASP.NET

Having Issue with AjaxCalendarExtenderControl.Add in ASP.NET The following code: Private Sub AddCalendarExtender() AddControlToCollection(AjaxCalendarExtenderControl.Add("Calendar" & ...
dibello.4's user avatar
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Ajaxtoolkit:cascadingdropdown - drop down works perfectly in IE but not in other browser in

I recently joined new company that they are using old in VS2008 ,.net framework 3.5 and xhtml 1.0 transitional. It is quite old. One of the problem i had during modification that they are ...
Muhammad zubair sultan's user avatar
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Cropping a Photo using cropper.js and ASP.NET - with UpdatePanel

I've been trying to solve this for about a week now. I know it's got to be something simple. Requirement I need to use ASP.NET - minimal Java as the page will do most processing / DB work using ASP....
Tony Stephens's user avatar
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AjaxToolkit CascadingDropdown is populating first parent but childs are not populated because knownCategoryValues parameter is empty

I am trying to use ajaxToolKit CascadingDropdown with three DropdownList Controls that are being populated from an ASMX WebService. The first dropdown is being populated correctly, but when I select a ...
Gabriel Z's user avatar
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"The Controls collection cannot be modified" error

I have been struggling with this error for more than half day and none of the suggestions helps, including SOF's Getting error about control collection .... I am adding this because I am pretty sure ...
NoBullMan's user avatar
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AjaxControlToolkit AsyncFileUpload : Get file path after upload by JavaScript

I build a Web Form with ASP.NET and VB.NET. After uploading an image with AsyncFileUpload, the uploaded image should be shown in an image box. The AsyncFileUpload doesn't raise a page postback, ...
Opti1971's user avatar
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AjaxControlToolkit FileUpload not working

in my aspx: <%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="ajaxToolkit" %> <ajaxToolkit:AjaxFileUpload ID="...
Khai Loon Lee's user avatar
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Show employee details with thumbnail image of employee in modal popup extender varbinary

<asp:GridView CssClass="table table-bordered" ID="GridView1" runat="server" BackColor="White" OnRowCommand="GridView1_RowCommand" OnRowDeleting=&...
naimish manzar's user avatar
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How to take value from <ajaxtoolkit:combobox runat="server" ID="ctlAramaKayitlari" ></ajaxtoolkit:combobox>

I have ajaxtoolkit input field. I could not take the value from it in form side. Need help. Thank you. <ajaxtoolkit:combobox AutoCompleteMode="SuggestAppend" runat="server" ID=&...
Haluk's user avatar
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Ajax Control Toolkit Disabled Error in ToolBox with VS2022

I worked with Ajax Control Toolkit in my installed branch. But when I opened the new branch the toolkit did not appear in toolbox. When I tried to add; it said it's already available. I erased dll ...
Haluk's user avatar
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How to stop AjaxControlToolkit.ModalPopupExtender from reloading the page when the popup is closed

We have a website written in ASP.Net/VB.Net, and at the bottom of one page we have this code: <asp:UpdatePanel ID="upnlMessage" runat="server" UpdateMode="Always"> ...
Colin Plater's user avatar
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Ajaxfileuploader fails on rewritten url for page by Intelligencia URL rewriter

So I used the Intelligencia URL rewriter to rewrite my .aspx pages. (I find it very easy to implement to rewrite URLs compared to other methods). Everything worked fine until i realized that ...
Gamonki's user avatar
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Troubleshooting ASP.NET Web Forms Routing and ScriptResource Issues

I am using ASP.NET web forms and have implemented routing for my website. I have a page named profile.aspx where I'm displaying user details. The current URL structure is http://localhost:56386/...
Tabassum Siddiqui's user avatar
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How to update AjaxControlToolkit to use the latest version of JQuery

As a result of some recent penetration testing I have been updating some of our code to use the latest version of JQuery (3.6.4). We have scheduled another round of testing, but in the meantime my ...
Colin Plater's user avatar

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