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ASP.NET Core is an open-source, cross-platform framework for building web applications. Use this tag for questions about ASP.NET Core applications. Use a specific version tag when your question is specific to a particular version of ASP.NET Core.
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I am very new to ASP .NET Core MVC in C#. There are 2 data grid or data table in a window horizontally. And there are buttons also in between the 2 grids. How to create a UI like shown below ??? ...
CKuttan's user avatar
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How to extend existing third party model?

I have a third party library i am using. The have provided some of the classes for me to use to transfer data from one page to another, but i dont have the source code to make changes, for example ...
KeithViking's user avatar
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Cannot make preselect value in select2 dropdown

I have select 2 dropdown in my project Here is how it's added on view (Razor) <div class="form-group"> <label class="required-label">Tier</label> ...
Eugene Sukh's user avatar
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Dependency injection approach for object used only in a single method

I'm migrating an old ASP.NET 4.7.2 MVC application to ASP.NET Core and wish to learn more of the DI approach, since it's already deeply integrated into the Core framework. However, so far I've ...
Emberfire's user avatar
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Token Request Failing and Returning error invalid grant

These are the IdentityServer logs: 2024-07-04 21:06:57.551 -04:00 [DBG] Start key discovery request 2024-07-04 21:06:57.552 -04:00 [INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET https://localhost:44322/.well-...
Matt Perejda's user avatar
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How to replace file-path-based URL in ASP.NET Core

In an ASP.NET Core MVC project, how do I change the URL for Razor pages from the default format like http://localhost:5088/Home/Faq, to a specific URL such as http://localhost:5088/freq_asked ...
litlln's user avatar
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How do I configure client side routing in Blazor WASM for subfolder in URL?

The issue I'm having is in my Blazor WASM application, is that when developing (dotnet watch) if whether a link inside the app, or manually entering URL (Example: http://localhost:5267/Contact) it ...
Steve Miller's user avatar
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How do I run npm build as part of dotnet publish

I have an ASP.NET Core 8 web project, where the client source code lives in a client folder. I also have an npm run build that will compile those client files, and copy the output to the wwwroot ...
mortenbock's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core absolutely refuses to host on other port

I am running a ASP.NET Core 8.0 Web Service application on arm64. On my Windows computer, I develop the app and publish it to arm64, and copy it to the target computer (a raspberry pi). Despite every ...
Enderbyte09's user avatar
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Conditional not working in ASP.NET Core 7 Razor view

I have a search function on my site, and one of the options the user has is to select the type of search. So given this example in a view: @using System.Data @model DataSet hello, world <br /> @...
Lisa's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core Swagger with shared contract assembly

Is it possible to reuse types from shared contract assembly? Currently, on the client side, types are generated from Swagger json. I would like some of them to be reused from shared assembly. Went ...
mdzieg's user avatar
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NLog configuration file issues with writing to a file

I won't go too much into the details of my project, but I am implementing simple logging into a .txt file. I am using NLog as a provider. My issue resides with the nlog.config file: <?xml version=&...
ika giorgadze's user avatar
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Integrating Related Baum and BaumArt Classes in ASP.NET Core Web API using Marten and PostgreSQL

I have two separate classes: Baum.cs (tree) and BaumArt.cs (tree species). Although essentially all the values of BaumArt are a subset of Baum, they have been separated into a different class for ...
Bayash Bakytbekov's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core WebAPI error "Request reached the end of the middleware pipeline without being handled by application code"

I have a .NET 8 application which is split into a Blazor wasm frontend and an core webapi both hosted in azure. On some rare occasions, http requests get denied by the backend which looks like ...
MxNbrt's user avatar
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CI/CD Pipeline in Gitlab for MySQL using .NetCore

I'm working on a .NET Core application that uses MySQL as its database. I need to set up a CI/CD pipeline in GitLab to automate the process of database migrations. My goal is to ensure that every time ...
user23324639's user avatar

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