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Intermittent IdentityServer The Key {xxxx} Was Not Found in the Key Ring

I have a Blazor WASM app running in an Azure App Service running .NET Core 6. My data protection configuration looks like this: var keyVaultSettings = builder.Configuration.GetSection("KeyVault&...
Chris Searles's user avatar
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family_name and given_name not included in AzureAD token claims

I have successfully connected an OIDC flow with AzureAD, but unfortunately I'm unable to get family_name and given_name claims included in the token. I am requesting the following scopes: { "...
stuzor's user avatar
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How to integrate multiple Identity Providers with Identity Server 4, while also using Cookies and JWT auth

Goal I'm trying to implement the scenario described by @ToreNestenius in the diagram here. Configuration I have multiple API services, an instance of Identity Server 4, and a React SPA front end. I ...
stuzor's user avatar
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Is there a way to use MSAL completely offline on-premises in .NET Core app to get access and id tokens (without the need for Azure registered App)

Intro: Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) provides an identity server and management services to issue, cache and validate access and id tokens for a range of types of applications using OAuth2.0 ...
YazanGhafir's user avatar
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Why can't Azure App Service find my GoDaddy certificate?

I have an Azure App Service running a .NET Core 3.1 application, using IdentityServer4 for authentication. My appsettings.json file looks like this: ... "IdentityServer": { "Clients&...
Michael Harris's user avatar
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Azure web deploy using Linux operating system causes unauthorised token error

I've just deployed my React, .NetCore application with the pre configured identity server on Azure web apps. When I deploy with Linux operating system every time I log in and try to access a ...
Cgracs's user avatar
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Azure web deploy HTTP Error 500.30 - ANCM In-Process Start Failure

I have just deployed my .net core and react project on Azure using web deploy and published using Windows instead of Linux. I seem to be getting a HTTP Error 500.30 here are the error logs below, I ...
Cgracs's user avatar
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IS4: Request not valid for the application's 'userAudience' configuration

I'm trying to use external login provider in my IdentityServer4. I followed the quickstart, and everything was working fine, now I'm trying to add Microsoft login. I added this code in IS4's Startup: ...
Farid's user avatar
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IdentityServer 4 with Azure AD as external provider hosted in Kubernetes pod

I have created a custom Identity Service that mainly uses Identity Server 4 with Azure AD as an external provider. I have configured azure ad, having all the required ids & secrets and locally was ...
Solomiia Kalinchuk's user avatar
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Getting Azure key vault certificates works only from local machine

I am using Identity server to handle logins in my app hosted in MS Azure. I am using Azure key vault to store my certificates. When I am trying to obtain certificates from Azure Key Vault on local ...
georgesolc's user avatar
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Identity Server 4 can't find Certificate when deployed to Azure AppService

I have an core hosted blazor wasm application. I used the default template with authentication via Identity Server 4. When I test it locally in Release Mode it works as expected. But when I ...
NPadrutt's user avatar
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OAuth Url Generation Issue when using Azure Custom Domains

Okay, this is going to be a difficult one to explain and I'm hoping someone out there's solved this before as it's pretty damn niche. Box A is our authentication box (identity server, IS), it is set ...
Chris Dixon's user avatar
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How can I get the standard OpenID connect claims when using Azure Active Directory and Azure Active Directory B2C?

We are developing an ASP.NET core 2.2 web application by using IdentityServer 4 as a gateway to other identity providers following the federation gateway architecture. The application we are ...
Enrico Massone's user avatar
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Identity Server 4 Redirect flow Correlation failed

I use IdentityServer4 to log in user. Client and identity server run on .net core 2.2. I have these enviroments: dev - using debbuging in visual studio localhost - using IIS on my computer staging ...
Josh Butter's user avatar
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Refresh tokens not being generated for identity server 4 on Azure. Only getting Authorization codes

I have deployed an ASP.Net core app on Azure that has an API, Web App and Identity Server 4. I have an [Authorize] attribute on Web app HomeController endpoint so that it redirects to Identity Server ...
Solomon Metta's user avatar

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