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Bulk Insert data from Excel to SQL database that contains foreign key

I have an Excel file with up to 4000 rows and 10 columns of data, and I want to insert these records into the database. Some columns are titles of another table of the database and I must find Id of ...
Farzaneh Talebi's user avatar
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How to get Antiforgery token before sending response?

I have ASP.NET Core application which auto validates every POST request for AntiforgeryToken: services.AddMvc(options => { options.Filters.Add(new AuthorizeFilter(...
LP13's user avatar
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How to add HTML attribute without attribute name using TagBuilder?

I am building a Input tag using TagBuilder. I want to build the input tag like below <input name="IsOkay" type="checkbox" {% if MyObject.IsOkay == true %} checked="checked&...
LP13's user avatar
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Dynamically serve all files in a certain folder only after providing password in .NET Core 2.2

I have a web app in .NET Core that serves all files in a certain folder. Now before serving the files, a password is needed. Is this code sufficient or is there a loophole in it? using DownloadFiles....
AzureDevForSF's user avatar
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how to post data without passing it to model .Net Core

I have this in my view <form class="d-inline-block" asp-controller=""> <div class="form-group mb-2 d-inline-block"> ...
aaarianme's user avatar
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Session Expires after 15-20 Minutes in core 2.0. Any solution Not working

Hello Buddies I hope you all good. I am having session expiration problem. it took weeks but not solved yet I hope I will get help from here. services.Configure<CookiePolicyOptions>(options =>...
Hafiz Muhammad Atif's user avatar
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How to logout ClaimsIdentity User when using OpenIDConnect

I have ASP.NET Core application that is using OpenIDConnect authentication. In OnTokenValidated event i check if Authenticated user exists in the my application's database, and if not then i am ...
LP13's user avatar
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How to get app insights working on an azure webjob with .net core 2.x?

I have a webjob with .net core 2.1 I have an instrumentation key on the appsettings.json. and I have this on the method ConfigureServices in program.cs services.AddApplicationInsightsTelemetry(...
Luis Valencia's user avatar
6 votes
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Pass sub object to partial view from views with different models, have it bind when form is posted

I have an MVC Core 2 (can upgrade to 3 if required) web app. There are several different classes, landlord, tenant, contractor - they each have an address object, and other different ...
niico's user avatar
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How to read Windows environment variables on dotnet core?

I am building a Web API using dotnet core 3.1 and now I got into the need to store a kind of sensitive information on a Windows Environment variable which I already did. Let's call it MY_WIN_VAL_X. ...
MikePR's user avatar
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Where does this C# HttpContext context in Startup.cs come from?

So I came across this RazorPages sample code using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container. public void ...
LeArgus's user avatar
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I am unable to store data into database using Entity Framework Core and Ajax

I have a problem with my code. The problem is I am not getting post data by parameter using ajax. Can anyone fix this? The code is shown below. This is Javascript Ajax code where I am sending data ...
SK jha's user avatar
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How to post List of Dictionary

I have a client ( in this case POSTMAN) that is posting collection of object. The properties of the object are not known in advance so I cannot use concrete C# model. So I am using Dictionary<...
LP13's user avatar
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Relative Path for Sqlite database via DbContextOptionsBuilder.UseSqlite?

I have a .Net Core 2.2 project where the back-end needs to open a DbContext to a Sqlite database. I need something like: optionsBuilder.UseSqlite(@"Data Source=Data\Database.db"); However the ...
Patrick's user avatar
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reading 500 MB xlsx file with OpenXML in aspnet core 2.1 is giving stream is too large

Reading 500 MB xlsx file with OpenXML in aspnet core 2.1 is giving stream is too large. is it any other way to read 1 gb excl file in openXML below is my code using (Stream stream = new FileStream(...
jkbudha's user avatar
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180 views core 2.0 mvc application get client ip address with load balancer option

I am unable to get client IP address using .net core 2.0 application. I used the below code in startup.cs file. I used the below code in homecontriller.cs file. I am getting remoteIpAddress is 1.0....
Harry's user avatar
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Call script from Server side in mvc core 3.0

I'm trying to open bootstrap modal from server side in mvc core 3.0 but unable open getting error ViewBag.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "$('#modalRegisterForm').modal('show')", ...
Hasanshali's user avatar
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Post data with files using ASP.NET Core MVC to api (ASP.NET Core Web API)

I need to post data with files but I face this problem - all data is null. It works when I use postman: My post function in ASP.NET Core Web API: public async Task<ActionResult<Category&...
Mena Samer's user avatar
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How to implement Entity atribute value model (EAV) using EF Core and ASP.NET Core?

Let's say I have one entity USER and added some fix properties during the application development. Then after the application deployment if some user wants to add more custom field based on text-field,...
userKG's user avatar
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Why are my single select lists converting to multi select lists on model binding?

I'm trying to bind multiple single select lists to one list of strings in my view model I have the property: public List<string> Items {get; set;} and in my view I have 3 select lists with ...
Aidanas Naugžemis's user avatar
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.net core , how to handle route with extra leading slash

I need to handle an incoming request which is of the form: //ohif/study/1.1/series Note the exta slash at the front My controller signature is: [Route("ohif/study/{studyUid}/series")] [HttpGet] ...
shelbypereira's user avatar
2 votes
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Loading multiple viewcomponents in an core 2.2 cshtml

I'm new to Asp.Net core but i have worked with MVC 5.I have a problem with loading multiple view components inside a view.(using core 2.2) I have page which loads a viewcomponent ...
Hossein Gholizadeh's user avatar
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PagedList pager doesn't increment page number or routes to the specified controller

I'm having problems with X.PagedList package. I'm core mvc 2.2 for the project. Whatever I do the PagedListPager doesn't seem to work. It doesn't increment the page number and can't change ...
Alper Alpdoğan's user avatar
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Deciding to use Authorization or not on a per-request basis in Core

I'm developing an core MVC 2.2 app and at the moment I'm using the classic [Authorize] and [AllowAnonymous] attributes on my controller actions to decide whether a certain action can be ...
Master_T's user avatar
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Error: The remote server returned an error: (500) Invalid WSDL access, no SOAP request expected C#

I am consuming SOAP web service in my .net core application. I am getting below error in c# code "The remote server returned an error: (500) Invalid WSDL access, no SOAP request expected." ...
yogesh's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core API with localized strings

We have an ASP.NET Core API. There are no views as again this is a simple API. We have strings in resource files(by culture) and we want each user to get the correct resource (in each API request we ...
AJ222's user avatar
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Passing Controller Action output as SupplyData in UseSpaPrerendering of .Net Core

In .Net Core application, I have below code in Configure method of Startup.cs file. app.UseSpa(spa => { spa.Options.SourcePath = "ClientApp"; spa....
Naveed Ahmed's user avatar
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How to resolve my problem with upload file [closed]

How can I upload my Image in core 2 without saved to database and after will show it in other View? Help, please.
Serhii Chyzhyk's user avatar
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Different projects with controllers and views

I should write a big software for a company. This company has many different departments, but each department needs the same base-functions and also some specific department features. Therefore i ...
Lukas Hieronimus Adler's user avatar
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Cache-Control warning getting logged when add ResponseCache attribute

I have ASP.NET Core 2.2 application. I have set no-store=true on all controllers for the cases when the user clicks the browser's back button [ResponseCache(NoStore = true)] public class MyController:...
LP13's user avatar
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session being null when redirect to query string url in .net core

I'm setting url with query string when anyone hit such page which is only access after login. I set that controller name as query string and redirect to login page. everything working good till here. ...
Love Pandey's user avatar
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How do I run/trigger service in startup.cs?

I have a service which grabs the token and save in cache, I added service like below, but it's not running when the app starts what do I need to do to trigger this service on startup public void ...
JKLM's user avatar
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Extending ClaimsIdentity?

I'm trying to customize ClaimsIdentity. The reason being that I don't want to use cookies to hold all the claims because in the context of my application, I have many (hundreds) Projects a user could ...
Francis Ducharme's user avatar
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How to make IMemoryCache available in all controllers?

I have followed this tutorial It is using Dependency Injection to make IMemoryCache available in specific ...
JKLM's user avatar
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What is alternative of "TransparentNetworkIPResolution" in ASP.NET CORE

I have used "TransparentNetworkIPResolution" this keyword in ASP.NET MVC in SQL Connection string. My code as below <add name="LocalString" connectionString="Data Source=Server;Initial Catalog=...
jishan siddique's user avatar
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Linq GroupBy expression raises AnonymousType exception

I have a query that returns an IEnumerable that I use to display a table of values. I would like to group the tables (using a <H3/> element) by the model's DateTime field (StartTime). I ...
craig's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core: [Policy based Authorization] No authenticationScheme was specified, and there was no DefaultChallengeScheme found

I use policy-based authentication to provide access based on menu rights to logged in user. If the menu has access then I call context.Succeed(requirement); but on error (unauthorized menu access), I ...
SanketS's user avatar
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Make JSON deserialiser distinguish between a class and a subclass of that class

In an core mvc application I'm working on, I use sessions to keep track of a List of instances of a model I made called "Rule". Now, you can't save objects other than strings and integers in ...
Niels Boelens's user avatar
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MVC Change Landing Page is not working: Options.Conventions.AddPageRoute(

I tried changing the landing page of my web page Mvc application using this command. However it is still redirecting me to regular index, not Products/Index. How would I resolve this? public void ...
AlexRodgers's user avatar
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Change MVC Home Landing Page: No service for type 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection' has been registered

I tried changing the landing page of my web page mvc application using this command. I received this error below. How would I resolve it? public void Configure(IServiceCollection services, ...
AlexRodgers's user avatar
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How to have two different types of users for WebAPI and MVC .netcore 2.0

I'm creating an core 2.0 app (with EFCore an Identity), which has: website (MVC) where people can register and buy different plans (with different prices etc). So, these users must confirm e-...
martinpessoa's user avatar
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Url.Action is wrong with Knockout + Asp.Net MVC Core 2.2

I am trying to generate a table containing a link for each row with knockout and Asp.Net Core 2.2. Actually I want the whole row to be clickable later, for this example I added it as a table field ...
Tigerware's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core MVC view: Copying View and Repasting Code, Identifier Expected error received

I am trying to create a simple ASP.NET Core MVC app to display files in folder on webpage. I am getting an error Error: identifier expected in first line for view How would I resolve this? It ...
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How to inspect core methods?

I created a new ASP.NET Core MVC application with individual user accounts authentication. I would like to see how they implemented some methods. I suppose I can do it since ASP.NET Core is open ...
justme's user avatar
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Net Core: 'RouteCollection' does not contain a definition for 'IgnoreRoute'

I am migrating a project from .Net 4.6.2 to .Net Core 2.0. What is the replacement for IgnoreRoute in .Net Core? I'm receiving the error below: Code: public static void RegisterRoutes(...
user avatar
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Creating user with same UserName and Email always return invalid user name error

Tried to create a user in identity tables using .net core. But it always return an error invalid UserName. var user = new ApplicationUser(); user.UserName = "[email protected]"; ...
Sumith Jose's user avatar
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Validation error message not displayed in Asp.Net Core 2 MVC partial view

I have an index page with a list of "workbooks" titles and for each workbook, there is a "share" button. When pressing the button a bootstrap model (i.e. dialog) appears which displays the title of ...
Georgi Koemdzhiev's user avatar
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How to Edit Enumerable or List View in MVC Net Core

How do I create a Edit View for a List? The following is a sample view and model for a single item, which works correctly. Next question is, I have a list of items I want to edit. How would I conduct ...
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How do you change the default AntiForgeryToken identifier in core mvc?

Im trying to use AWS Cognito for my auth in a .Net Core MVC-app. The login works fine, but none of my forms in the views work, they all give an error about my claims not containing "Name"-Claim. I ...
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How to use WebGrid in ASP.NET Core 2.0

I am trying to use WebGrid in ASP.NET Core (installed package NonFactors.Grid.Mvc6 followed instructions from link @(Html.Grid(Model).Build(columns => { ...
Ben's user avatar
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