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ASP.NET Core is an open-source, cross-platform framework for building web applications. Use this tag for questions about ASP.NET Core applications. Use a specific version tag when your question is specific to a particular version of ASP.NET Core.

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2 answers

ASP.Net Core Redirecting from POST endpoint to Custom URL

I am using a payment service. This service want me to send a callBackUrl while starting payment process. And the service sends a post request to my callBackUrl after 3D security page. And I am ...
Akif Akkaya's user avatar
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How to schedule a background service to initiate every deployment without a controller action

I have built out a service to create an erxcel report which uploads to a cloud storage provider. I am creating a scheduled task to occur at midnight every night to run this service. My issue is I ...
Qiuzman's user avatar
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Cannot get custom authentication scheme name to work with ASP.Net Core

My ultimate goal is to implement multiple authentication schemes in ASP.Net Core, but I cannot even seem to get a single custom scheme to work. I have included excerpts of my code below. You will ...
Eric's user avatar
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why modelstate.isvalid always false despite the picture property in model getting assigned

I'm working on a razor pages project. I have an employee model which has a picture property of type byte array. Despite picture being assigned byte array when I check modelstate.isvalid, emp.picture ...
ambrin yaqub's user avatar
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Is there a way to make a Blazor website fully work offline?

We have a Blazor website made, but the client needs it to work offline. I need to load all the data necessary when there is internet connection so that i can later use it in the pages. Not just ...
João Rodrigues's user avatar
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43 views Core API return POST method data from postman after publish But return CORS policy error from React App [closed]

I am trying to create a React App with an ASP.NET Core API backend. The problem is when I run the API locally and try to log in from the React app, everything works fine. I can fetch data without any ...
percy's user avatar
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How to deploy office add-in if I have published web application (Angular + ASP.NET Core) and Manifest XML File?

Is there any proper stepwise description for publishing the Office Add-in? I want to deploy it as Admin Managed using the Integrated Apps or any other method that requires the published web ...
Aniket Salunke's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why is HttpClient too slow for some requests and fast for others? How can I fix it? [closed]

I use HttpClient with .NET 8, injecting it via dependency injection and making requests to another server. I have a problem where some requests are very slow, while others are very fast. The fast ...
Macus101's user avatar
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Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core vulnerability issue - fix

what is the latest version of "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core" in the series of 6 like Version="6. * . *" In nuget gallery it is not available any thing later than v2.2.0 ...
pingpong2020's user avatar
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If I have an application using Kestrel running inside a Kubernetes container, which Endpoint should the Kestrel server expose?

I am trying to containerize my application with Kubernetes. I have an Ingress and Service set up in Kubernetes. A dns as well. However, I'm still not exactly sure what Endpoint needs to be run ...
Presto's user avatar
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.net 8.0 HttpClient getting error: "Autentication failed vecause the remote party sent a TLS alert: HandshakeFailure"

I need to send https requests from .net console app running on Windows Server 2008 (nope, can't update :( ). Requests made by the app failed with the error: Autentication failed vecause the remote ...
Peter Mitko's user avatar
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blazor unable to change select option after manually choosing an item more than once

I have a razor page with a server side blazor component where I'm allowing the user to select an option using a more detailed lookup feature that launches in a separate tab using JSInvoke and ...
T3.0's user avatar
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Load Data from Database to the HTML Table in ASP.Net Core MVC

I am working on an ASP.NET Core MVC C# project and need assistance with loading data from a database into an HTML table dynamically. Suppose that I have a controller and razor cshtml file. The below ...
KitKat's user avatar
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I am using Azure App Configuration Services with ASP.NET Core with LogLevel configurations but Entity Framework Core and HostingLifetime shows null

I am writing an ASP.NET Core 8.0 application and trying to use Azure App Configuration services. I am starting off trying to move the logging aspects out of appsettings.json. I have the following as ...
Mike Lenart's user avatar
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What value to set ConcurrencyStamp in AspNetRoles table

I need to add some user roles as part of a data migration script. The ConcurrencyStamp appears to be a GUID. Does anyone know if something special is needed here? Or can I just add any GUID value?
Jonathan Wood's user avatar

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