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Does stack work differently in assembly than how it works in C?

I just started learning assembly code. As far as I understand, when a functions calls in assembly code, the main variables are stored to stack from registers and stored back to registers after ...
uykb's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Why does gcc not allocate space for local variable in this example? [duplicate]

This is the C code I compiled with gcc - #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int sum(int arr[20]) { int s = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) s += arr[i]; return s;...
Irtiaz Kabir's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Does little endian impact arrays?

given the following command in C language: unsigned char myID[10] = "123456789" And given the fact I'm using little endianness with x86 architecture, how would that be saved in memory? is it:...
David's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there an already implemented stack in x86 linux assembly?

I am learning x86 assembly using Nasm on Linux(Debian 12). I already know what is stack, so I thought when we code in assembly, we implement it ourselves. But I saw instructions like push and pop ...
Nishesh Tyagi's user avatar
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Why is this effective pointer giving a seg fault?

I am writing a compiler into NASM assembly for fun and am stuck trying to implement indexing into an array on the stack. My compiler generates the following assembly from the input below. I've added ...
Zebulon's user avatar
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Using `and rsp,-16` for stack alignment in x86

Consider this "Hello world" x86 program: bits 64 global main extern puts section .text main: push rbp mov rdi, msg call puts pop rbp ret section ....
Ray Siplao's user avatar
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Assembly code problem : invalid use of register

I am trying to write a function in assembly (x86_64) that returns the scalar product of two vectors (signed chars). The two first arguments of the function are the two vectors and the third one is ...
TexDuinoCpp's user avatar
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Clarification on Memory Allocation Direction: Data Section vs. Stack [duplicate]

I'm a bit confused about the direction of memory allocation in different memory segments in x86_64 architecture. When I initialize variables in the data section, they seem to be allocated in ...
Alfa Hores's user avatar
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Purpose of stack register(s) in holding 0x7c00

I have a problem in understanding the curtain part of the code, how it works and what's behind the operating stack register(s). ; that part i'm referring to mov ss, ax mov sp, 0x7c00 I need an ...
memobang's user avatar
3 votes
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Why I can't call calc.exe but calc is ok in assembler x64 win32 API

I am currently studying shellcode writing. I have studied some assembly in the past but I jump from topic to topic in my studies and things are easily forgotten. (the setup) gcc --version gcc.exe (...
Andrei's user avatar
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Pushing and popping strings to and from stack NASM 64bit Windows assembly

I am busy implementing the stack on a project, and I got stuck. The goal is for it to display the message in MessageboxA, but not by using any variables, but by only pushing and popping from the stack....
Marnu van Sandwyk's user avatar
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Moving integers to the Stack in x86 Assembly

I'm learning to work with the Stack by trying to move integers to the Stack to then print them out in stdout. This is my code: global _start _start: sub esp, 2 mov [esp], byte 1 mov [esp+1], byte 2 ...
Markiiuz's user avatar
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Why doesn't pushing a character to the stack without an explicit nul-char look like an underfined behaviour? [duplicate]

The following snippet comes from the lesson 7 on : ;------------------------------------------ ; void sprintLF(String message) ; String printing with line feed function sprintLF: call ...
vmonteco's user avatar
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how to save reserved data to register than push it to stack, clear that reserved data and than pop that data from register to print

section .text global _start _start: mov rcx, mesLen mov rbx, message mov rax, 0 mov r8, 0 loop1: ; fill buffer mov dl, byte [rbx+rax] mov byte [buf+r8], dl ; Use r8 as an index ...
koma's user avatar
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Segmentation fault at the `pop rbp` instruction

The following assembly code causes a segmentation fault exiting from the main function at the pop rbp instruction. This code was generated by a compiler I'm writing, so don't mind the superfluous ...
gillo04's user avatar
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