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Questions tagged [x86-64]

x86-64 is a 64 bit extension to the Intel x86 architecture

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Question about AVX-2, x86-64 function calls and Compilers [closed]

#pragma GCC optimize(3) #include"immintrin.h" char* SetOne(char* mat, unsigned long long length) { //Set char Mat[length+32] to all 0xFF, here I would initialize Mat as length+32 to ignore ...
Liu Rick's user avatar
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While running a piece of driver code on an AMD64 machine, it appears that there are issues related to cache consistency or out-of-order execution

While running a piece of driver code on an AMD64 machine, it appears that there are issues related to cache consistency or out-of-order execution. Are there any experienced engineers who can help ...
HnlyWk's user avatar
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How does SYSCALL save the userspace RSP?

On a x86 CPU running in long mode, how is the user-mode $RSP value saved after the SYSCALL instruction by the kernel's handler function? When changing from user mode (CPL=3) to kernel mode (CPL=0), ...
quixotrykd's user avatar
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When running uname on m1 MacBook, x86 appeares [duplicate]

I am using M1 MacBook Air. As fas as I know, M1 uses arm64 architecture. But when I run uname -m -p command it shows x86_64 and i386. M1 is arm, isn't x86 impossible? If can possible run x86 on M1 ...
iubns's user avatar
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Unable to compile NASM without -no_pie on macOS

I'm trying to follow the tutorial for NASM and I made a few adjustments (like changing the entrypoint function from "start" to "_main") to get the following hello.asm to compile ...
Christopher Rybicki's user avatar
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How can I get this STDIN to work in GAS Assembler running on Linux?

I am new to Assembler and am currently reading a book about it by Jonathan Bartlett called 'Learn to Program with Assembly'. On pages 160-1 he gives the following sample program to demonstrate the use ...
Digital Samizdat's user avatar
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Why is my assembly code giving extra output? [duplicate]

Before I start, it's important to say I am a complete beginner to Assembly, so I might be missing something very obvious. I was trying to make an Assembly program where it prints the following output ...
Spyros's user avatar
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Assembly jump instructions don't seem to work

bits 64 default rel section .data fmt db "%s", 0xd, 0xa, 0 err db "Correct usage: echo <string>" section .text extern printf extern ExitProcess global ...
Angad Warhadpande's user avatar
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Adding ACPI into qemu and finding it in memory regions using 0xE820

I am working on an OS and I am trying to find the ACPI tables using the 0xE820 to find regions and find the ACPI reclaimable region qemu-system-x86_64 -cpu qemu64 -machine q35 -m 128M -drive file=...
lucas's user avatar
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REX encoding for instructions with the VEX prefix

[x64] is there some generic algorithm using which I can determine relevant registers for the rex byte? I'm specifically interested in the calculation of REX for instructions with the VEX prefix (so ...
Goubermouche's user avatar
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gdb fails to access linux vmalloc-ed memory ffffc90000000000 in x86_64

My gdb (GNU gdb (GDB) 10.2) backtrace fails to access kernel memory in vmalloc range. This is with a kernel crash coredump on x86_64 platform. In my understanding 0xffffc90000000000 is the vmalloc ...
SanjibDas's user avatar
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Why is the computation speed of double in the Eigen library 3 times faster than that of float?

Here is my code. I created a set of matrix and vector multiplications using double type, and another set using float type. Both sets of multiplications are executed 3 million times in a for loop, and ...
zymaster's user avatar
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How to pass arguments to a windows syscall in NASM assembly? [duplicate]

I am learning how to implement direct system calls using nasm assembly and c code, I have created a funcs.asm that contains section .text global NtOpenProcess NtOpenProcess: mov rax, 26h ...
RAT's user avatar
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Why does Intel x86 manual use +rd instead of +ro or +rq for 64-bit registers?

The description of the PUSH instruction in the Intel manual (PDF, Volume 2, Chapter 4.3, PUSH) contains the line 50+rd PUSH r64. It seems +rd is used throughout most of the instruction descriptions ...
user2468852's user avatar
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Debugging assembly to call IUnknown::Release - is shadow space right?

I am getting a bug where sometimes this code works sometimes it does not: 48 8B 41 08 ; MOV RAX, [RCX + 0x08] gets the refcount 48 FF C8 ; DEC RAX ; decrement ...
Greedo's user avatar
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